Monday 24 July 2017

First of the Month Fiction - August.

Having sulked a little I didn't make the cut (oh yes, the ego was in overdrive again), I was thrilled when I looked to see if friends had made the anthology to discover my name in the list! A little validation goes a long way.

I am still struggling to submit for museum of words, so this will be brief.

Newbies, write a story in 100 words exactly or one less than 30 words. Pop it in the comments then link your blog so we can see your unfettered glory. Mine is 30 words.

There was another offering beside her bed when she woke. A show of love, carefully placed by her shoes.
It's time to find a new spot for the dog's bed.

I know, it's a bit rubbish but I can't get the word count to show me how to do it. I've lost my mojo!

You have until the 12th August.

Linking with#GlobalBlogging


  1. A little validation and recognition sure does go a long way!!!! Congrats. It's not rubbish at all. Light and funny. I like it :) #teamIBOT

  2. Not rubbish at all. I can't get over the fact that August is just around the corner.

  3. Congrats on making the cut! I didn't (boo!) but I'm glad someone I know did :)

    1. Doesn't mean yours isn't a good story tho - my first year, a friend showed me her story that didn't get in and it was WAY better than mine but it was hard and really confronting (where as mine was soft and a cathartic cry). So your story may be an Overland story or maybe enter it into this I have a story in another comp but I've never seen it before so I don't know what they want. It's hard to gauge sometimes.

  4. Hey well done! I didn't enter it I have some work in another competition. Being my first, I think I'll be content with just attending the awards ceremony! #openslather #mummymondays

  5. How exciting to find your own name there! Well done you x

    This reminds me I need to change my own bedding. Husband likes to let the dog on the bed, and it's all I could smell last night when I pulled the covers up! :/

  6. Congratulations! #globalblogging

  7. Thanks for linking up with us #globalblogging
