Monday 12 February 2018

Unsaid Goodbyes

I was helping Mum clean up the garage and move things into storage when she asked "What do you do with memorial cards?". Without hesitation I responded "Just chuck them, you won't look at them". However as I approached the box she was going through, I saw face after face of people who had been such a large part of my childhood. We used to go to parties and BBQs at their houses regularly on the weekend, swim in their pools, have them over for drinks. They were my parents circle of friends, and we kids went along for the ride. Here they all were, reduced to a handful of photographs to be remembered by.

It was a depressing realisation, that your friends will go, not after a fight and usually without a chance of saying goodbye. They will one day just be gone, and as you age, more and more of them will disappear. 

We decided to keep the cards, an unsaid agreement as we packed them back into a box. At that moment the new neighbours turned up. New in the sense of friends of a decade's standing, not like those now deceased whose friendships had spanned thirty or forty years. They came to see if we needed help, and to catch up for a brief chat. There was a comfort in that.

I guess the moral is, don't stop entertaining and catching up with your friends, just because you have kids (or kids of different ages). As a small child, I loved running around those gardens, or watching tv in the strange lounge, even though the other kids were teenagers and not willing to play with me. I loved playing with their dogs or old box of discarded dolls. These people became like family in my mind, and I mourned again, seeing the photos. Most importantly, don't stop spending time with friends because you don't know when you'll lose the chance to do it again. It's people that make a life, and moments together that make it so special.


  1. You're so right, it's the little moments that mean the most. Such good advice!

  2. So so true. I loved reading this. Thank you for sharing. I do tend to keep things that have much sentimental value. One group of these is Mum's recipe books. To see her handwriting and to remember those foods eaten is one heck of a connection that stays on forever. PS and my daughter will be pleased to have these too when I "am gone" Denyse x

  3. Those cards can remind us of so many memories! I keep them in my bedside table drawer.


  4. I keep them for the same reasons! (Tried to comment earlier but for the last few weeks unable to via mobile!)

  5. Great reminder. I've been guilty of chucking them out but now I'm having second thoughts!

  6. I have a few people that I have drifted away from and for no reason... just life. This is a great reminder #teamIBOT

  7. Beautifully written and a memorial to past friends and future ones. Enjoyed reading this trip down your memory lane. ~hugs~

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

  8. I love a trip down memory lane, but have to admit I'm not usually one for sentimentality. I love pictures, but I find I keep hold of things for far too long. It's so important to keep hold of the things that are important though - as you say, those memories. x Thanks for linking up to #fortheloveofBLOG

  9. A beautiful post. so true and something we don't think about. #Kcacols

  10. Lovely post and so so true! Life is too short! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time

  11. Its amazing how easy it is for people to just slowly drift apart. As I'm catching up on my blog reading today I've also been e-mailing with several guys that I've known since I was a child that all live far away now. I feel pretty fortunate to still have them in my life #KCACOLS

  12. Great advice. I have drifted apart from a lot of friends and family and I need to remind myself how important it is to keep reaching out and put the effort in. #KCACOLS
