Friday, 13 April 2018

Treat Yo Self!

can you see me?

Just shutting up shop for the holidays, and took a day 'for me' before I did. I've spoken before about how we run ourselves ragged and put ourselves last until we verge on collapse. This is a reminder to you all to make sometime for yourself.

Treat yo self!

My day allowed for a reflective photo double up to link with
 #WeekendReflection, #WordlessWednesday #TheRandom #PictorialTuesday #SundayBest and #MySundayPhoto

(If stuck for a Mother's day idea, the Langham Day Spa could be for you!)

Housekeeping - I'm off the blog until May. Will be on Instagram but that's about it. Drive safely everyone, careful with the fires in this crazy weather and wishing you all happy holidays.


  1. It looks brilliant there, the pool is asking to be jumped in

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  2. Oh that does look blissful


  3. Omg that pool looks amazing. Enjoy your break.

  4. Well that looks like a nice treat

    Yes I could see the reflection heheh!

    Have a great time off enjoy it :-)

  5. Taking a day is always good--and this looks like a great day!

  6. That is wonderful! I hope you had fun. A great photo of the water.

  7. o wow... I wish I was there!
    happy WW! ☺
