Thursday 25 June 2020

Best time of Day

I get up at 6 am to write - so the best time of day for me is 6am-7am. It's time just for me.
I'm also very reluctant to give up that time. I'm often asked to go for coastal walks with friends in the mornings but it would mean I cut short my writing time, so I don't. It's like I've carved out a small secret block of time that's mine, and only mine.

In fact, I'm writing this in my sacred time of day right now....

It does also explain all the sunrise shots I take, as I wake and then go straight to the window to see what the day will bring.

Those moments, straight after waking, are filled with endless potential. The day could bring anything. Those minutes are bursting with limitless promise,

Come 7 am, the children need waking and breakfast, lunches and washing need to be done, showers and exercise take place. The magic is gone and practical reality has taken it's place.

Until the next morning....

What's your favourite time of day?

Linking with #PhotoSunday


  1. I love the early morning too although I find it so much more difficult to get up on cold winter mornings so there have been a lot of lie ins!

  2. I really don't know. I love the look of dusk but not the time as it's when I get bored and tired. I guess I should find something to do at that time (other than lolling in the bath with a book and drinking wine).

    1. Lolling in the bath with a book sounds like a perfect use of that time...

  3. I'm definitely not a morning person, especially when my husband's snoring wakes me at 3a.m. and I can't get back to sleep. My favourite time of the day is when I'm walking my dog but that can happen any time of the day depending on my schedule.

    1. Yikes!! I'd be collapsing with lack of sleep!

  4. I have great intentions of getting up early and did when I went to work but now I'm retired there doesn't seem that urgency anymore. But I do love getting early morning shots. I love how you have carved out your very own special time Lydia! #lifethisweek

  5. I am a fan of early morning too but the difference is I head to the gym. I need to be more disciplined with my writing. I always love you sunrise photos on Insta

  6. Good for you to carve out time for yourself. I like morning when I do my physical activities and evening when I relax with a book, music, or a movie. #lifethisweek

  7. I love early mornings before DH has awakened. Such a peaceful time to seek my "center", which is God.
    Thank you for sharing at

    1. I think you hit on something, there's a pleasure in the 'quiet' of the house before anyone is up

  8. Beautiful sunrise! I;m more of a night owl so I don;t usually get up as early.

  9. I am often awake before dawn and love to watch the sunrise

  10. I love your shots of the city. They are beautiful. I'm not a morning person and anything before 7am is ungodly. I'm a night person it's when I think clearer and I usually stay up late.

  11. Hi Lydia, I sleep about 5 hours each night so I get to be both a late night and early morning person, enjoying the best of both worlds :-) That is a gorgeous pair of photos, but the one with the morning star gets my vote!
    Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  12. Lovely skyscapes. My favouriter time of day is just after sunset.

  13. I love watching sunsets! Blessings to you!

  14. I saw that same planet yesterday and day before it. :) Early mornings and late evenings are my favorite times of the day. Nobody around you have hole town to yourself.

  15. Beautiful skyline silhouette.

  16. Greetings and Salutations! I am a caregiver to my husband. So, I take an hour here or there. I claim it! To read. To write in my gratitude journal. To watch a TV show that I know he won't want to watch. To meditate. To shoot photographs. Catch as you can girl for now. Loving your skyline image.

  17. Gorgeous skies! I'm a late afternoon/sunset person. It's when my energy levels are highest, and coincidentally, it's my favorite time for photography.

  18. Your words remind me of an old film title: The world is still fine at 7 in the morning. But you could also say that the world is still fine from 6-7? It's still quiet, there's still silence over the city and the morning light is enchanting.

  19. Beautiful skyline silhouette.

  20. To see the sun rise above the horizon... is a wonderful sight indeed... I do get up early as wel but not to go to write but to go on a long walk with my dog ;-)
