Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Countdown to Christmas - Advent Calendars

One thing I love about Christmas, is the advent calendars. Which is weird but I suspect it's to do with the little daily surprises, more than anything else. They feel luxurious. I make two of my friends Advent calendars and I give a few commercial ones as 'early Christmas presents'.

There are some for all budgets but here's a few that I like:

If money was no object, the Kiehl's Advent Calendar would be my pick, or the Benefit 12 days. L'Occitane is always a winner too. However, this year for me, I've got the T2 loose tea advent calendar. Note there is also one for bags.

Nourished Life has a great range of Tea Advent Calendars too, in the $21-$24 price range. 

In the chocolate department, both Lindt and Kinder have some cute offerings this year.

Lush also have some big budget Advent offerings in that wishlist pile.

There is also a lovely little Sharing Kindness advent calendar, and I'm not sure what is in it, but it looks lovely. 

You can of course organise your own reverse advent calendar and make advent better for others, rather than yourself.

My favourite, however, is still my now 20 year old Playmobil calendar that I put together every year and we excitedly set the scene as it unfolds daily, even though all surprises are long gone through familiarity. There's nostalgia of when my kids each saw magic in it, and just the all around cuteness of it. Sometimes I guess it's the tradition that's special, not the thing itself.  This tradition is a small hug with the past.

Do you love the Advent calendars or do you think this 'gifts to count down to the gifts' is too much?

Linking with #NanaHood #FriendshipFriday and #UnlimitedMonthLinkParty

Add your Christmas themed posts below for #XmasLinky 


  1. I've never had one. We don't do gifts here anymore. We just give gifts.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. I love advent calendars! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 18, open until November 26.
