Sunday, 30 May 2021

“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho

 Leaving is often viewed as an end, when it is actually a new beginning.

Sometimes sad, having to start a new chapter with  key character missing, but often it brings many new improvements, even if it takes us awhile to appreciate them.

For me, I used to think most of 'leaving' destinations. Far flung places, sad I may never get to return to them. When I first read the prompt that was what popped into my head, but it feels slightly irrelevant nowadays.

In this strange holding pattern, I've left a lot of things I took for granted. All the wonderful things I got to see and do that now are blocked from our shores.

I look forward to leaving this COVID restrictive world behind, but with that, I hope that the door, when it opens, reminds me of how lucky I am.

My kids will leave the house soon, and I hope I welcome the view into their adult lives from afar. I hope I am not too sad when I leave that part of my life. It's been the major focus of my existence for more than a third of my life. I don't get to choose when I leave, others leave me, yet my role is diminished and a new routine will begin. I can't say I'm looking forward to it, but maybe I'll be surprised by something equally rewarding that grows in its place.

I guess I need to work on my focus, and remember as Winnie-the-Pooh said "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard".

Do you find it hard to leave? Do you see it as an end or a beginning?

Linking with  #FriendshipFriday

Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

Wednesday, 26 May 2021


 Like the rest of the world, I kept rushing out to look at the moon last night. Alas my point & click camera couldn't focus on the red moon so I'm missing that picture to complete the set but it was a mesmerizing natural experience. 

In last year's Grieve anthology, there was a wonderful poem about how grief is like a sniper lining up his shot. I thought that was the most accurate image, because for me, it's not the birthdays or events when I feel the pain of loss, because I can steel myself in advance. It's when it hits me out of nowhere and I feel almost as if I've been punched. A little shock along with the pain.

Yesterday was one such day. I was looking at new release books and was surprised to see Ian Rankin had a new Rebus book out because I thought he'd died a few years ago. I then realised, it was actually my dad who had died, and with him, my need to buy him Rankin books for Christmas. 
Grief is sort of like an eclipse. The adjustment you've made to the loss is clouded over. There's a bit of confusion as the pain wells again. The dark hole of absence grows large again.

But you sit with it again and feel the pain. In awhile it slowly returns to the new normal. But until it does, you can't quite shake the sadness. Even years later.

Grief is an echo of love, and I guess in a weird way, it is a celebration of that person. We should always celebrate the love we shared, not focus on the loss that we're left with. That way, our heart returns to full, though it is a natural phenomena to be covered by darkness for awhile. One worth taking notice of, if not necessarily enjoyed. Grief is merely the moments when the pain covers the love and memories, the same love and memories which normally bring happiness and comfort because your heart is full of them. Grief is merely an eclipse of the heart.

Linking with #Ziegeunsdienenhimmel

Just to end on a cheery note....

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Share Four Somethings

I've just discovered this link up so thought I'd give it a go. 

Something Loved: The enthusiasm of my youngest. She's still at that age where she's signing up to new activities and trying things out. It's so sad that teens hit a point where they lose that.

Something Read (or Said): Just finished the Childhood of Jesus (Coe) for bookclub. It's quite a kooky book and I'm looking forward to discussing it. Just about to start The Noise of Time by Julian Barnes (which I hope ties in nicely with the Siege of Leningrad by M. T Anderson that I read earlier in the year).

Something Treasured:
 My gorgeous pup and the look in her eyes when we walk and she's 'checking' on me.

Something Ahead: I was meant to go away for a girls weekend with my bookclub but due to some family obligations, I've had to limit it to a day trip. Like a total baller, I'm flying to lunch on the Gold Coast, then flying straight home. Short as it may be, I CAN NOT WAIT. And big thank you to Qantas for letting me rearrange my flights - free of charge!!

Linking with #AwwMondays for the photo of my pup!

Friday, 21 May 2021

Self Care (free and fast)


I've been a little down in the dumps lately so I decided to reward myself. I'm on this incredibly dull cholesterol lowering diet (which does have the upside of dropping the COVID kilos but it takes away one of my pleasures in life so I'm feeling very sorry for myself). 

So what mood lifting reward would work?

I took myself off for a few hours to see the
Sculpture Rocks exhibition and it did the trick. The sun was out and the sea sparkling. The art is fun and a lot is interactive with the scenery behind it or around it. I got a little exercise, sunshine and fresh air. The creative buzz really lifted my spirits and I felt right in myself again.

Best of all, other than transport, it was free.

The Bay Run or the Glebe Foreshore walk and talk with a friend is another mood lifter for me - exercise and venting (or just laughing and chatting as we charge around the harbour at a fast pace). Also free.

Reading my book in the bath. Can be squeezed in half an hour with no travel time. This is probably the best go to while water restrictions aren't an issue. And of course, free.

Linking with #FloralFridayFoto

If really pushed for time, then just smelling the flowers in the gardens I pass as I walk the dog. I can't tell you how much this lifts my mood. Roses and gardenias are my go to scents.

What are your self care tips?

Linking with  #OurWorldTuesday #FriendshipFriday and #ThruMyLens

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Sydney Harbour Bridge reflection

I  had a lot of fun with the Sculpture Rocks harbour walk, and there were two works I really played around with, because they made use of their environment more so than some of the others. 

This one at Campbell Stores I loved, and depending where you were, you could capture the bridge or other parts of the city in the frame.

I hope to get back there in the next two weeks are I want to see if I can make more of the reflective dome (but there was a film crew and launch party going on so I felt I needed to move on).

If you get some better angles, do let me know!

Linking with #WanderingCamera

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Escape the city


For the second time this month, we went to a wedding that was held in a venue that felt like we were on a farm, when in actual fact we were still in the city. Quite extraordinary what the 'escape' felt like, even though it was only in my head.

Literally you exited the driveway, turned up a quiet round and then suddenly you were back on the freeway.

We live in a world full of surprises, if you go out of your routine.

Linking with #GardenAffair

Thursday, 13 May 2021


 More from the fabulous exhibition at White Rabbit - a gallery of contemporary Asian art.

 Entry is free but be prepared to wait in line on the weekends.

Linking with #WordlessWednesday #WWOAT #WWOT #SundaayBest  #WeekendReflection

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Hobart - Share My Snaps


We only had three days in Hobart but it was still enough to see what this fabulous island has to offer. From the historic architecture, the fabulous art, country feel and stunning nature.

Every night after dinner we'd go hunting for Bioluminence, and were lucky enough to find it two of the 3 nights, but not lucky enough to get good photos of it.

We drove an hour out of town to see some convict heritage and the stunning scenery, as well as spot some seals and other wildlife. They had followed a mother and baby orca the day before but alas no luck for us.

The jagged rock formation and towering cliffs were stunning.

We were in a small inflatable so were able to go inside some narrow sea caves too.

On the last morning before checkout, I went for a two hour walk through the city and the botanic gardens and basically felt I was far away in the countryside and bush. It was beautiful.

This is looking at Parliament House. Hobart is a fabulous gateway and Tasmania is definitely top of my list to explore further, with more time.

See also Cubed Espresso Bar which was probably the most delightful find of the trip.

Linking with #GardenAffair (Nature)

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Out my window

The last 18 months we've spent a lot more time looking out the window. The view however, changes daily.

The colours paint a different picture at different hours.

 These photos aren't the best but I loved the pik hues of the clouds. They were striking in real life, less so in the photos, but you get the idea.

What's out your window?

Linking with #KeithsRamblings #NaturesNotes and #TheRandom

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