Sunday 23 May 2021

Share Four Somethings

I've just discovered this link up so thought I'd give it a go. 

Something Loved: The enthusiasm of my youngest. She's still at that age where she's signing up to new activities and trying things out. It's so sad that teens hit a point where they lose that.

Something Read (or Said): Just finished the Childhood of Jesus (Coe) for bookclub. It's quite a kooky book and I'm looking forward to discussing it. Just about to start The Noise of Time by Julian Barnes (which I hope ties in nicely with the Siege of Leningrad by M. T Anderson that I read earlier in the year).

Something Treasured:
 My gorgeous pup and the look in her eyes when we walk and she's 'checking' on me.

Something Ahead: I was meant to go away for a girls weekend with my bookclub but due to some family obligations, I've had to limit it to a day trip. Like a total baller, I'm flying to lunch on the Gold Coast, then flying straight home. Short as it may be, I CAN NOT WAIT. And big thank you to Qantas for letting me rearrange my flights - free of charge!!

Linking with #AwwMondays for the photo of my pup!


  1. Awww on the pup. Adorable.

    Oh how fun that you're flying to the Gold Coast for lunch and then right back home. What an adventure.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the precious pup. ♥

  2. Yes, that pup is quite gorgeous!! Have fun on your getaway!!

  3. I hope you are able to squeeze all the fun you can out of your book club trip!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Awww he is gorgeous x #fortheloveofblog

  6. Your pup is gorgeous. Hope your short get-away was fun. Thank you for linking with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  7. What was cute puppy! Wow a flight for a lunch trip -- yes that does sound lavish but it sounds very exciting. I've done a short trip where I would fly for a presentation and fly back home. To be honest it was not as fun because I wanted to spend a little bit of time enjoying some sites and at least have lunch or coffee.

  8. What a fun link up. Loved what you shared. I'll have to look into it.

  9. Aww! what a lovely puppy heheh!

    Enjoy your day trip and have a supertastic week 👍

  10. The pup is adorable! Thanks for the post, I had to stop and think for a minute, which I need to do!

  11. So glad you joined the link-up! Your pup is adorable!

  12. How cute is thatdog?#mischiefandmemories@_karendennis

  13. The Childhood of Jesus sounds like an interesting book. Love that photo of your pup, she is adorable. #MischiefandMemories

  14. Awww!!! How gorgeous is your puppy.. and those eyes :-) Alfie does this too, always looking to catch eye contact. I think it's a reassurance thing. Share four somethings is a great idea. I might try and join in :-) Thank you for joining us for #mischiefandmemories xx

  15. Ooh I really like this idea. Your puppy is adorable #MischiefAndMemories

  16. This is a fab idea! Trying to think of what 4 things I would share... Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories

  17. That's a very gorgeous pup - it looks like butter wouldn't melt! #mischiefandmemories

  18. Your pup is a huge Awww. Puppies are so full of love.

    Love your four somethings. Your upcoming trip sounds fabulous. I know you'll have a great time.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥
