Tuesday 4 May 2021

The common always love what is new - The Saga of Olaf Haraldsson (c.33)

Yes, in case you couldn't work it out, I'm going full Viking.  The NSW Govt Dine & Discover vouchers have got me and a crew to try axe throwing. Because why not?

So tomorrow night we'll be heading to Kiss My Axe to learn a few techniques and hopefully vent some stress in a slightly unusual way. 

The list currently stands as follows:

Torshlusspanik List:

1. Shooting (check)
2. Fencing (check)
3. Play croquet at Croquet Club
4. Laser skeet
5. Off road buggy driving
6. Play Assassins Creed
7. Jetpacking (check)
8. The Color Run (check)
9. Invent something
10. Cooking Masterclass (check)
11. Master a Masterclass (check)
12. Perform a rap song (check)
13. Trampoline adventure (check)
14. BMX Riding (check)
15. Do a cart wheel (check)
16. Ride an Electric Bike (check)
17. Astonish Myself
18. Write a book.
19. Participate in a distance event (check)
20. Climb Sydney Tower (check)
21. Dance in a dance class (check)
22. Trust a stranger
23. Get a truck for the Landmine Museum and Relief Centre in Siem Reap
24. Paint a picture
25. Go Rollerskating (check)
26. Do Chinese Square Dancing
27. Do some life drawing
28. Make something on a pottery wheel (check)
29. Try Axe Throwing (Check)

Because I've completed four of the above and not come back to review the experience, this is an all in one. Here's how it went down.....because as told in Grettir's Saga (c.73) 'There is a time for everything".

I have to say, I was hopeless. In the practice I got the axe to stick, even in the points part of the target. In the actual round robin game, I don't think I scored once....or I at least lost every match. It is however, really fun regardless. There were seven of us and it is noisy and jovial. I recommend this with a group of friends - note no drinking allowed beforehand so go early and celebrate afterwards....

You could say I failed but as the Vikings say 'Better to fight and fall than to live without hope'. ~Volsunga, c.12

Linking with #FriendshipFriday

My Random Musings


  1. No drinking in axe throwing? I chuckled. I would think this would be something no one wanted to do until after.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. I felt it was important to highlight that!
