Thursday 3 March 2022

Northbridge Baths

The other day, before all this rain, on a stinking hot day (remember those? Me neither), due to a series of mishaps and poor planning, we ended up at Northbridge baths. I'd never been in my life, so it was a small adventure for all of us. It's a harbour pool, with a small each and a fenced-off broadwalk you can jump in and swim from. 

And as we go into our third week of non-stop rain, I feel like that was a luxury.  
And so it goes....

The view from the Boardwalk

Linking with #TravelTuesday #WWOT #TheRandom #WonderfulWednesday


  1. So very beautiful. Sweet. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  2. Looks great, Lydia. And safe from sharks...

  3.'s nice to see #Allseasons back!

  4. PS: Thank you for hosting, Lydia!

  5. LQQKS lovely I wouldn't mind a swim there heheh!

    Have a backstroketastic week 👍
