Monday 9 September 2024


I'm off on adventures - 3 countries in as many weeks, plus up the coast. Lots to see on my Insta. A family trip, a solo trip and a trip with a stanger (a friend's friend).

#Allseasons and #FavouriteFotos linkys will return at some point after the 18th October.

I'll shut off comments before I go.

Apologies for my poor commenting efforts over the last few weeks. Life just got a little overwhelming. Hopefully when I return I'm back to my usual form.

Stay safe, have nice school holidays and see you in a bit.

Thursday 5 September 2024

Tall Ship

This is the tall ship that we did the shooting on. Now every time I see it, I smile. I even went to wave when I saw the crew member we remembered while they were docked and we went past on the silent disco. Very funny as I realised they'd have no idea who we were....

Funny how your experience can change the relevance of an item....walked past it a million times barely registering it. Now it's immediately joy inducing.

So not the best photos taken on my useless phone, but they do make me smile!

A bit of housekeeping: I am shutting the blog until mid October - around the 18th. I'll be on Instagram travelling all over the place, so keep an eye on there. So this is the last #FavouriteFotos for a month.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Stanmore Music Festival

Richard Gill AO was a much loved Australian composer, and later TV personality. He was also a great educator and advocate for music education for children. 

The lives he touched through his work were many, and when he was dying, musicians came to play in an improptu orchestra outside his window.

In his memory, there is a grass roots festival every year. The Stanmore Music Festival is on the 16th November this year, and there is a fundraiser on the 18th of October at the Salisbury Hotel. It's a free annual festival in the streets and public spaces (and schoolyard). What a wonderful legacy to leave behind!

Housekeeping: This is the last #Allseasons until after 18th Oct. I will be away and am shutting the blog until then as I'm just not keeping up with the comments. Apologies to all I've neglected of late. Hopefully on my return things clam down and I'm back in control of my time. Insta will be showing my adventures. I will do Sundays #FavouriteFotos then shut the blog.
