Wednesday, 4 December 2024

The countdown to Chirstmas has begun....

My treat to myself is this Moomin tea advent from Pappa Sven  (a fabulous shop in Newcastle with all things Nordic), It's such a joy having cheer exotic teas with little messages and cute Moomin pictures. I've been putting santa chocolates in the little boxes once I take the tea out and will use them on the table at Christmas as decorations...

The Playmobil one is now in it's 21st year, I think, and still much loved. Each year I madly put it back together and my youngest creates the little scene as the days go by. I will be sad when we finally give this one away...

My nieces have little kids and I gave them the Lego advents calendars (previous year ones that I got on sale) and I love seeing the photos of them playing with them...

The Reverse Advent is done and delivered (I get too excited to do it day by day!)

I did not realise there were still so many public phones around. This campaign makes me notice them and brings a smile every time! I might even just ring Santa for a chat!

I wore my Santa party dress for the first time this season and discovered my Christmas bag (also from Pappa Sven a few years back) still had my Furnace Christmas show tix in it from last year....(another of my favourite Christmas traditions). Tickets for this year's show at the Enmore are here.

Are you counting down the days?

Linking with #MySundaySnapShot #TalkaboutitTuesday #TheRandom #HappyTuesday #WordlessWednesday

 The #XmasLinky is for Christmas themed posts, open Friday until Sunday night. You can share two posts, but please then comment on as many.


  1. The advent calendars look nice! Take care, have a great day!

  2. ...I wish your a festive Christmas season.

  3. A beautiful advent calendar. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  4. Awww Moomin! Thanks so much for sharing your snaps and for taking part in #MySundaySnapshot.
