Thursday 21 December 2023

Share Four Somethings - the last one.

Something I'm Loving Every year we head off to the Furnace & the Fundamentals Christmas show, which is this crazy festive gig where the words of songs have been changed to Christmas theme and everyone dresses up. It's a lot of joyous fun and a gang of us go to dinner before so it's quite the Christmas party. It was on last night so I'm still coming down from the high of music, singing and dancing. And it really does feel a little more Christmas-y now!

Not really a Christmas song but I am loving this new one by Ezra Bell.   


Something I'm  Reading A lot of Japanese websites - someone said you had to prebook your trains over the holiday season so I've madly been booking the tickets with much confusion, and trying to get a handly on how to pick them up. Compared to last trip, this one seems very disorganised....but the Insta pics should be pretty if you want to follow along here.

Something I'm Learning I am well aware Chirstmas is a hard time for so many people - newly divorced, grieving, those with disordered eating, those with sobriety struggles, the LBGT community, those without families, those estranged from family and the list goes on. I put up a meme on FB that said 'It's still an accomplishment if all you did this year was survive...and I'm proud of you' and I was surprised at the people that chose to comment on it. Meaning even among friends there are things below the surface I'm not aware of. So this Christmas, on your socials and at the table, be kind and gentle with people because you don't always know what's going on for them. Be a safe haven in this growing choppy sea....

Something I'm Eating
I had these plans of having a Christmas dinner with just our family before the shenanigans began but finding a date for all 5 of us was too hard (and we are together Christmas eve and Christmas day with my family and my in laws) so I cooked the turkey anyway and my son & I had a little Christmas dinner. I've spent my whole life listening to how hard it is to cook turkey but it's really not and you just whack it in the oven so I've no idea why people go on about it the way that do....every time I've cooked it, it's never dried out. And I can't cook anything so it really has to be a pretty basic skill....sometimes I think people just like to make a drama out of nothing because they enjoy the drama.

I'll be off the blog until mid Jan but Insta will still be working....(the other socials and email not so much). May there be food on your table, Love in your home, Peace in every country (this makes me sad but I wish it so I'll say it),Radiant health and endless happiness. I wish you a safe and happy celebration, or just comfort and support.

Take care everyone. Be kind.


  1. Merry Christmas and a very happy New year to you! Take care, have a great weekend!

  2. Your Furnace and Fundamentals night out looks like it was fun. I'm one of those who has challenges at Christmas so I appreciate your words. I have learned how to manage my thoughts at this time, and generally get through and do have happy memories most years. Merry Christmas to you and your family Lydia. I look forward to reconnecting in 2024

    1. Personally, my Christmas is not too difficult but I do feel uncomfortable about how it is rammed down everyone's throats - not the religious part of it but the 'here's all all happy' photos and the palava that goes with it. Anyone with any struggle feels they have to bite their tongue. So my SM seems to avoid all that and be a haven for those that need it. Or at least I try to be. And Furnace is such a crazy fun night at the best of times. The Christmas one really feels like a party. Such elation.

  3. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. The F&F Christmas show looks so much fun. How wonderful that you're going to Japan. Happy holidays to you and yours! See you in 2024.

  4. "Be kind and gentle with people because you don't always know what's going on for them" - Yes. This. As you say, the holidays are hard for so many. I'm grateful every year that my home is a safe place and my holiday season is peaceful. I wish it were so for everyone.

  5. I am happy I survived this holiday season. In fact, it turned out to be okay. It's the first holiday season without my husband. The thing I worried about the most was people pressuring me to be happy or have holiday cheer because 'tis the season *rolls eyes*.

    1. I am really sorry for your loss. That first one looms with a lot of stress and discomfort as you steel yourself for it. I'm glad you were ok. It's hard.

  6. The Furnace & Fundamentals looks and sounds like great fun! Hope you have a very happy New Year!
