Sunday 10 December 2023

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. Maya Angelou

A friend who has had a very rough time this year was dealt another blow. She asked if I was superstitious. I said intellectually I wasn't. I knew it wasn't true but I would often 'fix my karma' and do good deeds to make myself feel better. I knew it was to think I was somehow in control when I wasn't.
 I'm almost ready to drop off my Reverse advent calendar. I'm wondering if I can somehow pass on some clean karma to my friend...(Sometimes I'm even too ridiculous for me...but still, here I am)

I saw this dragon on the way to donate some toys to a local MP for some charity drive. The candy canes, someone else's street offering made me smile and put a spring in my step - even while there were no canes left, the sign was a gift enough.
Even if you don't see the benefit of what you do, there is still benefit in what you see along the way of doing it.


  1. That face is beautiful. I'll keep looking at it. But I like it even more how you link Angelou's quote to the things given away

  2. Beautiful mural and a great quote! Cute doggie! Take care, have a wonderful week!

  3. Beautiful mural. Love all the colors.

    Awww on the pup. Take me. I probably would have.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  4. I totally agree with all here! Absolutely breath-taking!!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a pretty and bright face in the mural. Sorry about your friend, some people seem to go through rough times again and again. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Lydia.

  6. I love the mural. I’m not superstitious either, except that when I am using Photoshop and the slider lands on 13, I move it!

  7. Thank you again for this wonderful post. Sorry, I couldn`t find the translation button.

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post on

  8. A wonderful mural, a shame about the empty cane basket though!

  9. I like the mural, especially the eyes. Wise words from Maya Angelou. Thank you for your #weekendcoffeeshare.

  10. Good deeds are always beneficial. I like your reflection photo.

  11. Giving to those in need always feels good, Lydia, but especially so these days of the years that can be very challenging for many people. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.
