Tuesday 19 December 2023

Watching the Christmas Traditions disappear...

I have written before about the fading Christmas traditions as the kids grow up so I'll try not to repeat myself, but there is a bittersweet element to some of them now, knowing that it's probably the last.

Linking with #SkyWatch and #GaleriaHimmelsblich

I took my daughter and her friend up to see the Christmas lights. What started as a large group of families, about 40 or 50 of us in about 2010 has dwindled to just 3.

However, they still had fun in the hotel pool, made the gingerbread houses and played under ther dazzling lights at the Hunter Valley Gardens Christmas Spectacular.

And in less than 24 hours we were on our way home. 

But still, it makes me happy to know she'll have these childhood memories.

Like everything, they'll fade as bigger ones take their place but for now, it's still the highlight of her 'Christmas traditions'. I can't lure her to see the decorations in the city...even with the promise of dinner. My little kids are no more, and moving on with their lives and I am waving them off in the distance. It's as it should be but there's a sadness for me too.

Fortunately, I'll see the city's displays when I head to town for Furance & the Fundamental's Christmas show - MY favourite Christmas tradition. 

May whatever you do at this time of year be gentle to others and bring a smile.

Linking with #AwwMondays because it makes me say aww thinking about my once little #MCoW ones.... #WWWhimsy #TrafficJamWeekend #RubyTuesdayToo #BlueMonday


  1. I think it is sad that Christmas traditions are fading. My daughter and SIL have a tradition with my grandsons of going for a family walk and seeing how people decorate their homes. Unfortunately, not as many participate now. I'm sure your daughter will remember the memories you have made together and perhaps it is up to us to maintain some sort of tradition for years to come.

    Wishing you, Lydia and your family special times during the Festive Season and a wonderful 2024.

    1. It's really just that they out grow them. Plenty of other people with younger kids are out there doing that sort of thing! Happy Christmas to you!

  2. It is hard to see some holiday traditions slipping away, Lydia. Now that our grandchildren are all getting older, with jobs, partners, and other commitments, Papa and Grandma can't always be the number one priority. That said, we do have a couple of traditions that are holding strong, and I have hope they will be passed on to the next generation. And, as you mentioned, I believe the children and grandchildren will hold onto those happy memories.

  3. I continue to be grateful for the many many Christmas memories we made with our children, and then with their children..(when we still lived nearby) and some of those have been carried on and modified. I recently mused on the passing of the "christmas day baton' in our family. I am so glad I have the images and the memories are, as they tell me, embedded in our grandkids! Denyse #wwwhimsy

  4. Hi Lydia, I can relate. My kids are all grown - the youngest being 28 so a lot of our traditions are no longer. I love going for a drive to look at Christmas lights but must admit I have not yet done that this year. This year has been a bit of a frantic catch up due to everything that's been going on. I think though that a lot of the Christmas traditions and spirit has been ingrained in my kids and they will carry it forward when I'm long gone. Thank you for linking up with #WWWhimsy - hope you'll be back when it kicks off again in mid-January 2024. Have a wonderful Christmas, safe and happy holidays and best wishes for fabulous 2024! xo

  5. I definitely can relate to this. We had some lovely traditions in our family, and it makes me sad that they have all disappeared. We are both distanced from our families so it's impossible to maintain traditions. This is a lovely post. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Best wishes for a wonderful 2024.

  6. It is sad to see traditions coming to an end. I love seeing the Christmas lights and decorations at night, it looks so beautiful. Have a wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2024.

  7. lots of lovely Christmas things happening here in Brisbane! I think children will always love this time of year no matter whose children :=) Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and yours. #WWWhimsy

  8. Yeah, we don't really have any traditions left either.. which makes the Christmas season feel quite different.

  9. Joni Mitchell captured that feeling so well in her song "The Circle Game". Love the line about "cartwheels turn to car wheels" as our kids grow up. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  10. We’re down to three people at Christmas too. Neither of my daughters had children so it’s just the three of us.

    That video made me laugh. Merry Christmas.

  11. Lots of things are changing. Christmas doesn't seem to be as big as it used to be. We have lots of families who are of Vietnamese, Indian, and Chinese extraction in our neighborhood. They are very nice people, very community minded, good neighbors, and hard working but Christmas is not a big deal for them. Why should it?

  12. I can't remember the last time my family's tradition took place. Every Christmas Eve we'd drive to San Francisco (from an east bay suburb) to see the lights at the Marina, and some other spots in the city. Eventually my older brothers had children, and started their own traditions, and one car wouldn't have held us anyway. I live in a different state now, with just one of my adult children.

    1. Oh, This is like that thing people say about one time, without you knowing it, it's the last time you pick up your child....:( It's hard getting older for so many reasons.

  13. Those Christmas lights at the Hunter Valley Gardens look fab. I can get how enjoying the "last" of the Christmas traditions must be hard but out with the old and in with the new. As the kids get older, perhaps you can make new traditions that you enjoy together and if not just make your own, like seeing the lights and your fave Christmas show. Hope you had a wonderful festive season and have a totally awesome new year xx

  14. Dieser Himmelsblick ist einzigartig, bezaubernd und wundervoll!

  15. This view of the sky is unique, enchanting and wonderful!
