Sunday 3 December 2023


I have written a lot about with age you grow a cloak of invisibility that allows you to move through places unnoticed. However recently, that went to a new level. At Hot Dub I was standing in line for the bar. My friend joined me after about 10 minutes, returning from the bathroom.

The guy behind me started a fight with us about pushing in. Initially I assumed he was joking and laughed along with him. Then as his anger grew, I realised he was serious. I pointed out I had been infront of him the whole time, and even raised a conversation he'd had with the people in front of me and he still didn't believe me.

I had been actually invisible to him (and I have to say, he wasn't that young himself!). 

The next day at Harbourlife, the official photographer came and stood ON MY FEET and then leaned back into me to take photos. As he'd pinned me to the ground, I just had to stand there until he finished. It was surreal, and I turned to the guys behind me to check if they could acutally see me and I wasn't infact a ghost who didn't realise it. They looked at me and shrugged, not knowning what I should do.

So I seem to now either get double takes, looks of horror/mirth or patted on the head or back like a toddler OR I'm completely invisible. 

It is hard this ageing business....

Linking with #WWWhimsy #Unlimitedlinkparty  #MCoW #WeekendCoffeeShare #SeniorSalonPitstop 

esmesalon senior salon pitstop



  1. The mural you posted is very interesting -- I like the pixilated effect that resolves when I get further from the computer display. I wonder how it looks in person.
    best, mae at

  2. The murals are beautiful.
    People see only what they want to see I suppose.

  3. Nice mural I bet you felt a bit like the pixelated picture. That first man probably had a fight with his wife before he came in. lol and the second one is also just rude. I am aging as well and feel I have to make more noice to be noticed, but I will.

  4. Very interesting mural. Sometimes I am invisible, too. But your experience is extreme.

  5. What a weird experience you've had. But it's a wonderful mural, expressing that feeling.

  6. Cool mural! Both men sound very rude, I try to avoid places with crowds of people. Take care, have a great week!

  7. Very unusual mural and very well done with that effect. You certainly had 2 very strange experiences, and you are not the first person to say that as we age we become "invisible" to the younger generation. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  8. Cool mural and unusual too but what a weird experience with that guy behind you.

  9. A remarkable mural, but two very surreal experiences for you.

  10. That's awful for you Lydia, both examples are just rudeness on their behalf! As I have a birthday coming up I know I'm not feeling invisible but others may not see me the same way I suppose. The song you included fitted in well too. Where is the mural you've included at the top of your post?

    1. It's just near carriage works. The artist did another similar in Newtown, which I saw him painitng. I''ll try to get to it to it soon (to be honest I thought I put up pictures of it before but I can't find it because I'm not sure what search terms to us - just as easy to go and get another pic. It's that vintage dappled glass view....

  11. Good choice of mural to go with your post topic. Both men sound rude. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  12. Like everyone, Lydia I love the mural and what it suggests. I cannot believe your experiences though and both are examples of how we can become invisible as we age. Fortunately, I don't believe you could be invisible with your attitude to life. x

  13. Hi Lydia, wow! How rude! Good examples though of how we become invisible as we age. My pet hate is being ignored at shop counters - usually overlooked in favour of the young and more glamorous customers. Fantastic pics included with your post! Thank you for linking up with #WWWhimsy - hope to see you next week for the final linkup for 2023! xo

  14. Thank you for visiting and sharing your links with us at SSPS #291. See you again on Monday, January 8th, 2024.
    Also thanks for sharing our logo on your post, much appreciated.
