Wednesday 29 November 2023

“In The Right Light, At The Right Time. Everything Is Extraordinary. ” ― Aaron Rose

The light hitting the puddle (and the glow of the cloud) looks better on my phone, but it's still a reminder there is beauty in everything if you are really looking.

May the sun be shining through the rain. May you be warmed by those around you.
And may you share joy and comfort wherever you go.


  1. Beautiful reflection photo, great skywatch! Take care, have a great day!

  2. A great quote with the perfect picture to accompany it!

  3. Yes, exactly, in the right place at the right time and with a camera at hand, this is the only way to capture unforgettable moments.
    The dark clouds have moved on, they have shed their burden, this puddle reveals all of this and nicer weather is already on the horizon.

  4. Wonderful photo and I love that quote. So true!

  5. Taking puddle photos is so much fun and you got yourself a big puddle in this shot. I wish there was a way to capture the glow of the light that shows up on your phone but not once the photo leaves your phone, but this is still so pretty. Alana

  6. That is so pretty and that quote is very spot on.

  7. We have had 2 days of rain here too, meant to be clearing up tomorrow.

  8. Beautiful photo and very wise words too. x

  9. Very cool. That's one nice thing about photography - it slows me down enough to notice things that I might not otherwise.
    Thanks for sharing at

  10. Stunning indeed, love the reflections.I visited you via Happy Tuesday 281
    I linked up this week with = 24. Come and join us at #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday - Saturday. You will find the info under BLOGGING

  11. I love how you've captured the reflection in the water there. Thanks so much for linking up and for sharing your images with #MySundaySnapshot.

  12. Delicious snap! Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  13. A wonderful reflection capture! I love the quote too. Happy Sunday, have a great day and happy week!

  14. Truly so. :) Happy new week, Lydia.

  15. Extraordinary, well captured. Love it
    I visited you via The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 49
    I linked up this week with = 25+26 We will be honored if you share your links with us M-S at SeniorSalonPitStop. You will find it under BLOGGING.
    Also, I hope you will join us weekly Wed-Sat at our very own #WordlessWednesday (or not) - hope to see you
