Friday 24 November 2023

Share Four Something - November

Gearing up to the end of the year and the party season. First Christmas party isn't even in December! So things have been a little crazy of late.

Something I'm loving: Dancing. I had a huge weekend of dancing last weekend, and then a great night at Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls this week. (His support was Mom Jeans). I love the feeling of getting lost in the music, throwing myself around with abandon. It's so energising and joyful. I leave the venue still feeling the buzz of it all. And I'm off to dance class this morning (and exercise class rather than learning a skill) which I haven't been able to do for a few weeks so even more dance on the cards...

Something I'm learning: That my groovy Converse are not working for my jumping at gigs. My ankles the next day are in agony. After a good decade of wearing these shoes (or a variation) when I go out, it's a sad indictment on my ageng body that they will no longer suffice. So I'm on the scout for new concert shoes. Any suggestion for cool shoes but with arch support and cushioned soles?

Please note this clip has some nudity (butt) and smoking weed so possibly NSFW.


Something I'm reading:  The Good Fish Guide to try and work out which is best to eat. It lists the better choice for sustainable seafood. 

Something I've not been reading enough of is the blogs in the link ups. I appologise to everyone for my tardy commenting. I aim to address that and catch up.

Something I'm eating: I've been eating a lot of Mexican of late - which is weird because I normally don't but we dropped into Ricos Tacos before seeing a play at the Belvoir and I also went to Mami's  when catching up with a friend out from London. Had a great meal at Fontana this week with friends. However, have not taken any photos of food or even cocktails this month. Which is odd. So my last pics I can add is of the sensational Japanese I had at Amuro. Walk ins only, you will have to wait in line. But so good. I loved everything we had and am very keen to go back.

That's my Four Somethings, what are yours?

(Note the roses are on my dog walk, not relevant but pretty none the less.)

Linking with #ThruMyLens #WeekendCoffeeShare #FloralFridayFoto #PictorialTuesday #ShareFourSomethings


  1. Hello Lydia,
    The music videos and songs are different and new to me. Dancing is a good exercise, sorry to hear your ankles are sore. Mexican food is one of my favorites. Love the pretty roses. Take care, have a great day!

  2. Oh, it's great that you were able to let off steam dancing, dear Lydia. Yes, unfortunately, at some point your feet no longer work as well as they used to. I wear orthopedic insoles in my shoes - maybe that will help you too?
    We also like to eat Mexican and Japanese food, and to be honest, I don't know if the Japanese place has sustainable seafood. But we don't do that every day.
    The roses are beautiful - roses are wonderful flowers anyway! Winter is coming soon here and it snowed a bit today, but the roses are still blooming...
    All the best and happy Sunday, Traude

  3. The roses are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! ~SFS#7

  4. beautiful flowers....
    love to watch your videos... thank you for sharing

  5. I am having the same problem with my feet and my old favorite shoes not being enough support lately... it makes me kind of sad since I have no idea what to try now! I can't remember the last time I went dancing but I do love it.

    1. This is me. I'm literally quizzing people about shoes like a lunatic.

  6. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. Would running shoes work better for your feet? The roses are pretty. My four somethings: I'm loving the festive holidays; eating Thai food; meeting up with friends and trip planning.
