Wednesday 15 November 2023

Tell us about....Laughter

It is said that children laugh 300 times a day and adults laugh about 17. There is a lot of problems with the way we decide to 'grow up'. I'm not sure we get it right.

I go to the Comedy Festival when I can - last year I had 10 shows booked until covid made me give away the last (and most expensive) show's tix to friends. I tend to go to unknown (to me) comedians - favouring women and Asian people (because they have to work harder to get an audience usually) and if the ticket is only $20-$25, then I only have to laugh a few times to get my 'money's worth'. It's fun to just pop out for an hour set with friends on a weeknight - still home early enough to have no impact on work the next day but be buzzing with the joyful endorphins.

As soap is to the body, so laughter is to the soul. — A Jewish Proverb

It releases neuropeptides improving your immune system. It stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles (according to this article on preventative medicine) and obviously it's the perfect way to destress and reduce anxiety & lighten depression. It can even lower blood pressure. Laughter even reduces feelings of loneliness. I guess it's that shared moment, and probably when you laugh, you tend to look at people in the eye to 'share' the joke. There's a bond or connection built into laughter.

"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." — Victor Hugo

Children laugh more not because they have less worries, though that is probably part of it, but because they have an innate ability to find joy.  I write a lot about seeking out joy and relishing in happy moments, no matter how small. Seeking out laughter will also infiltrate your life. It may start as a conscious effort - watching a tv show or comedian but like any muscle, the more you work it, the more easily it becomes.

"Mirth is like a flash of lightning that breaks through a gloom of clouds and glitter for the moment. Cheerfulness keeps up daylight in the mind, filling it with steady and perpetual serenity."-- Samuel Johnson

What made you laugh recently?

Linking with #AnythingGoes #HappyTuesday #WordlessWednesday #KeithsRamblings #TellUsAbout #TrafficJamWeekend #SeniorSalonPitstop #PictorialTuesday #RubyTuesdayToo

The photos are just some of the things that made me laugh in Singapore  (for some reason me as a weird bird skeleton entertained me for way longer than it should have)


  1. Great post, love the quote from Dr Johnson. Yes, laughter is a real tonic. I like the idea of going to live comedy shows. Thanks for joining us at Tell Us About. December's prompt is Celebration. Posts go live Dec 21.

  2. This is a great reminder of finding joy Lydia and you're spot on! I wish I lived somewhere that I could pop out to a comedy show like you do!!

  3. Lots of things make me laugh, I think it's an important thing to do, life gets a bit serious sometimes.

  4. Oh gosh....that sign requesting people not to stroke or mount the exhibits!!! That would have had me in stitches!!!! Brilliant!
    Suzy xx

    1. I had to go back when that art gallery was open because of the sign. It's a very fun gallery.

  5. Laughter is the best medicine and thanks for the reminder "Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." — Victor Hugo. Love that quote. Saw it at SSPS #288. Looks like there's much to see and many good lifestyle posts I want to read. My shares this week are #65 through 69. Enjoy and be well.

  6. I laugh all the time. I'm not sure about 300 times a day, but more than 17. I loved the don't mount the exhibits. I love comedy shows too. I watch a lot of them on YouTube.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday filled with laughter. ♥

  7. thank goodness I laugh more than the average adult!! I love your quotes!

  8. That quote is hilarious. Laughing would begin right then and there. lol

  9. I feel like I haven't laughed nearly as much in the past year as I always used to, mostly because we haven't made friends yet that we really connect with and share our humor. I think laughter is really important to our health and well-being so I enjoyed this post reminding me that it's something I NEED to do!

  10. My most recent laugh was when I saw your 'Please do not...' sign! One laugh down, 16 more to go!

    1. I know! I laughed out loud when I saw it. And then I had to go back to see what was in the gallery when it opened
