Sunday, 19 January 2025


Sydney (and pretty much the rest of the State) was hit by a massive thunderstorm. The squiggles on the map are all the lightning strikes. It was insane (and apparently the new normal). 73,700 lighting strikes in Sydney in about an hour. Over 2 million across the State as it blanketed cities and towns.

Trees fell and power went out. That's more normal in Sydney but the size of the storm and the ferocity of the lightning was unusual. Sadly, lives were lost.

On our flights to and from Korea, I don't think I'd ever had the seatbelt sign turned on as frequently for turbulence as we did. It must have been at least 9 times each way. It was noticeably strange and alarming. Fortunately, it was for nothing.

I am eagerly awaiting the corpse flower to flower. I raced off Friday to see it but was hoping it would flower last night so I could zip in after the play I went to. However, today must be the day. I've doctor's appointments all day but maybe I can sneak out tonight. I wrote of the last time I saw it here. That FOMO still burns in me.


Interestingly on Friday, because of the winds and possibly another pending storm, they closed the gardens early afternoon for safety. Trees did fall in the city, one in Hyde Park where my husband had been earlier that day. He'd told his friends they had to go because he had a bad feeling about it.

It appears we will have to keep altering our behaviour whether we believe in climate change or not, as the chaos is going to keep growing regardless. 

Linking with #MondayMusicMovesMe

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