Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Community Garden

Linking with #RubyTuesdayToo


I was strolling with a friend and we wallked through Callen Park. She was explaining that while it was 'Callan Park Hospital for the Insane (1878 – 1914)' the grounds were used as a sister garden to The Royal Botanic Gadens (I guess like a seedling bank). She said they would grow then transport the mature plants over to the Botanic Gardens. I tried to find information on this but couldn't, though the gardens were designed by the founder of the Botanic Gardens, Charles Moore.

I couldn't help but think of that line in The Labyrinth, the Lohrey novel that won this years Miles Franklin Literary Award. When she talks about using your hands to heal all ills, the main character, Erica uses the words of her late psychiatrist father, quoting Jung "The cure for many ills is to build something."

On the fringe is the oldest Community Garden in Sydney and it is overflowing in ubundance.

These green spaces are precious to our inner city life, and in these days of 5km recreation, have proved a blessing. 

As I mentioned, I have taken to gardening this lockdown, more planiting and growing than anything formal, and it is bringing me much peace and happiness each morning.

Have you been enjoying making something or growing something to feel better?

The Friends of Callan Park are trying to save it and the Local Government site is here.

Linking with #MCoW  #WednesdayAroundtheWorld #DND and #GaedenAffair

1. All Seasons is open from Sunday through Wednesday 5pm, Sydney Time. 
2. Please link one  'seasonal' post a week. 
3. Make sure you link back to this  #AllSeasons post.

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  1. Beautiful garden and I love the red Chinese bridge. Some Finnish psychiatric hospitals have had a garden too to help the patients. For me growing something and seeing the growth is very healing & relaxing.

  2. Such a beautiful garden. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. What a wonderful garden! I hope that it is saved...

  4. gardens seem to be popular everywhere!

  5. That is such a great place and so pretty to see all that is growing there.

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!
