Tuesday 8 November 2022

Lunar Eclipse

Like everyone, I was mesmerised watching the moon last night. I had charged the camera but realised I charged the wrong one and the only one that might have got some decent shots needed to be charged!

However, it was glorious to watch and there are better photos out there in the media, so look at those.

These were my best ones, though I quite like the artistic reject shots too. there's some sort of warmth in them.

There was also this on Twitter that made me laugh - but seriously, how do flat earthers explain this?

Linking with #PhotoSunday 



  1. The lunar eclipse wasn't visible over here, unfortunately. i remember watching one several years ago, it was an amazing sight!

  2. We had absolutely clear sky for the first half, but the sky started brightening and the red moon disappeared in the morning haze. You did very well. I too had many "also ran" images as the lighting changed and I tried to keep up with exposure compensation. (Video at end of blog)

  3. WOW, astonishing fotos. You were lucky to have a clear sky and have a perfect sight of the red moon. All the best

  4. Anyone who could, did have a squizz, Lydia. Nice pix!

  5. For the second time in a row, we missed the lunar eclipse because of cloudy weather. Thanks for posting shots to help us enjoy it vicariously!

  6. Great shots. I stayed in bed and slept as the eclipse happened I am ashamed to admit.

  7. Beautiful shots. I'm not in the loop when it comes to these things, but glad you captured it.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  8. The first and last photo is great, even if the other shots aren't the best, you captured this event and I'm happy about the link.

  9. Wow what an eclipse and such incredible snapshots too! thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot,
