Monday 17 July 2023

This is Australia


Growing up, there was a hugely popular song that really described the outback (to city dwelling me).

Obviously, I'm not that ruggered so any sort of outdoors is outback to me....and even without the cane fields (I was in vineyards), heat (in winter) or storm (it was perfect), I was reminded of this song. Which I hadn't thought of in decades!

There was a weird cloud that looked like smoke from a fire, but it was simply cloud.

What gets in your head, often stays there....

Do you sometimes get odd triggers to songs?

Linking with  #NaturesNotes #SkyWatch #HeidisGaleriaHimmelsblick  #DND #WednesdayAroundtheWorld #MCoW #TravelTuesday (Hunter Valley)


  1. I get that all the time. When I was editing the videos I filmed at that music festival in Nashville, those songs were stuck in my head for a while. Now I have go back to the video to recall how the song goes :-)

  2. Yup I get triggers to songs literally all the time but I haven't heard that one before.

  3. Love the gorgeous sky shots, Lydia.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Yes, the clouds do resemble smoke, but obviously not coming from a source on the ground. We are having amber sunsets due to smoke from the multiple forest fires in Canada. The smoke is diffuse rather than in clouds.

  5. So very beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Great shots.

  6. ...and Australia looks good! Thanks for hosting, have a wonderful week.

  7. A lovely set of images and ideas, Lydia. Thanks you for hosting.

  8. Beautiful skies. It does have that look of smoke in the air. Sometimes places will trigger a song, but usually other way around for me... I hear a song I haven't heard in a long time and that will trigger a place or event.

  9. Beautiful. I really like that first photo.

  10. Beautiful photos....I get songs stuck in my head and especially those from my younger years when I could still do yoga.....Michelle

  11. Feelings can be expressed very well in melodies, maybe that's why you can remember them so well? Yes, actually, one might think there is a fire on the horizon?

  12. Stunning skylines there, I love the mention of Musical melodies staying stuck with you too. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
