Monday, 14 November 2016

Post Trump World.

I will admit I'm in quite a funk, post election, even though I saw it coming in January and have been arguing with everyone that he would get in. I so wanted to be wrong. However, all I will say is this, stolen from Tom Thum's facebook page "a presidency that has divided a nation almost down the middle. There is nothing more dangerous than extreme divisions, I really hope people remember that they are humans." We must act when necessary, rise above it all and hope that we survive the next four years. (For those interested in History, this article on Trump & Brexit, written awhile back, sums up the new world order and it's dangers, perfectly).

However, I am making this a Trump free zone. I am having a space where I avoid filling my headspace with the doom and focus on the light.

So here is what I'm LOVING right now:

1. Assembly Pizza. So amazing. And if you go Sunday nights, there's a  $10 special.

2. Bread & Butter Project. You can buy their bread at markets and David Jones. I had their olive bread at Social Brew and it totally blew my mind (that I had to ask the waiter about it like a nutter). 
The Bread & Butter Project is "Australia's first social enterprise bakery, 100% of our profits are reinvested into baker training and employment pathways for refugees and asylum seekers.". Not only is it the best bread in Sydney, you can feel good about yourself eating it.

3. Parov Stelar. I'm totally Hooked on P.S!

Just a reminder that the Christmas Link up goes live each Friday. 
Give me your current pick me ups for this global gloom!

Linking with #FortheloveofBLOG and #OpenSlather


  1. So much goodness in one post (Trump excluded, of course!) Thanks for the tip off about the bread and pizza - give me all the carbs! As for PS, I feel some kitchen dancing coming on!

  2. If only the whole world was a Trump-free zone! I think in times like these, we really do need to focus on the good and what we're loving, and grateful for.

  3. Mmmmmm pizza. Off to read Leanne's pizza post now!

  4. Oh man, avoid my post today... ;)
    The bread and butter idea sounds fab!

  5. Ah yes, I'm very much over the Trump thing as well, but loving that some people are moving on and preparing for what's to come (ready to fight the good fight I guess).

    I'm dreading his reign but... hopefully there's enough good out there to tone his policies and antics down. (Or I'll just avoid media for the next 4yrs!)

  6. Boo hiss, for Trump, yay for a Christmas link up, now that sounds like a good idea!!

  7. Yes, the last few weeks have had some eye-opening and awful things happen around the world. But there is always something to be grateful for.

  8. II've also read that very insightful historical context look at the current global political climate - scary stuff - why are us humans condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past! I remain optimistic though - counter to all the division in the world (and Australia is pretty much divided down the middle politically too, even if the coalition and ALP aren't far apart, we have a right-wing rump in the senate). Call me a naive yogi but I really feel a growing global consciousness that is connecting people where politics, culture and economics divide. I'm meditating on that connection.

  9. I'm just glad the US election is over at long long last, it feels like it has been dragging on for at least a year! Love hearing about social enterprise businesses.

    Visiting from #teamIBOT x

  10. I read that article about Trump & Brexit last week and found it a really interesting and insightful read (also a little scary!). That bread sounds awesome, I am definitely going to have to find some!

  11. I try so hard not to focus on Trump. It's hard enough dealing with our own government let alone the Big Brother. Shudder...
    I like your happy alternatives!

  12. Interesting article. We do seem to do this to ourselves in a cycle. Love the idea of the Bread and Butter Project!

  13. I wish we could make the whole world a Trump free zone...that would be amazing!

  14. That Trump article is interesting to say the least, and a little worrying!
    Food, music and cocktails. All the good things x
