Sunday, 27 November 2022

Share four somethings

Something Loved: It's been busy with lots of great times with friends. I've really loved being out and about and having fun. We had a party this weekend to start the Christmas gatherings (getting in before everoyne gets busy) and it was lovely to see everyone after what's been a busy and weird year. I did one of those scavenger hunt games (an Alice in Wonderland themed one) and it was so great to see hundreds of 'characters' roaming the city. Do it with the kids or with adult friends it's great kooky fun for a few hours.

So I guess I'm just loving fun and friends and all the good things in life.

Something Gleaned: I learnt Old Spice was originally a fragrence for women. And that the tonsils are part of the immune system.  And barbers used to perform surgery. None of these are important. I just found them interesting and they came up in weird ways in the last week.

Something Braved or Saved: I've been enjoying this podcast (there's some sort of problem and it's been taken down briefly but it's definitely worth listening to when it goes back up - there are some old ones on Audible.

Something Achieved: Not achieved anything of note. Getting this corssed off the list, very busy but really can't say anything with pride or worth mentioning. I guess I really need to get some Christmas shopping achieved...

The World Cup is stealing a lot of my writing time, so short and sweet this month!


Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Christmas is springing up like new blooms...

No matter where you go in Sydney, the decorations are growing. Starts in shop windows and moves to the city...

The Grounds Christmas laneways are gorgeous, and as you can imagine, filled with people getting their xmas shots. You can book a time for Santa pics too.

I went with my friend out from Norway for lunch, so we had to swing by Ballast Park in Balmain to get something more 'Sydney' on the way home (with a dash of Norway).

I am in the throws of World Cup season so as this is stealing my blogging time (the convenient 6am games) I am missing from the usual link ups or slow to comment. Apologies and thanks for those of you that checked in. I'm a little too fine ;)

Linking with #YourMoment #WednesdayAroundtheWorld #WWOAT

Tuesday, 22 November 2022


I've been having lots of fun. Too much fun. Everything has been a festive frolic with friends, and when it hasn't, I've needed to be there for the kids and focus on them. So with the World Cup 6am games on the agenda, my writing time from 6-7am is gone. 

#OneSmallThing will be open for the next two weeks while I decide what to do. I will eventually get to your posts but commenting will be slower than usual.

Great music and dancing in the most stunning location in the world, with perfect weather put me on a high for days (even when my old body broke down on the Monday with some weird niggling pain). Still worth it! So if you need a lift, dance. If you want the science, this is a quick read. Even post lockdown with the chair dancing it still felt good (OS people, we were allowed to see bands but had to sit in our chairs - it was weird).

With so many small joys this week, my #OneSmallThing is appreciating them and the feelings they gave me. Not just happy but I felt really lucky to be able to do them and go with (or without) friends and still have a great time.

“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” – Confucius 

Now a challenge - play this song and clap along and tell me it doesn't make you feel better!

Linking with #MondayMusicMovesMe cos I love this song!

Thursday, 17 November 2022

It's in the bag. Christmas Traditions.

Long time readers will know I'm a big fan of Share the Dignity's #Itsinthebag Christmas appeal. I write about it each year. So rather than repeat myself, I'll just say that today (until the 27th Nov) you can drop your bags at Bunnings - and so I am off to do that today. I do a bag for women, Teens, Mum's & bubs, Transmen and Nonbinary people. (My theory is, if you menstrate and are experiencing poverty, you get one. It is uncharitable - and I would say unchristian - to judge who is deserving of help. You need it or you don't.I will delete unkind comments so don't bother writing them). I get a great deal of joy finding the items to go into the bags - some little treats as well as the utalitarian itelms at a good price). If you don't have time to get a bag together, feel free to donate money here.

I also do an assisted living present drive. I take 4 teenagers off the list, as I figure most people like to buy for the little kids as their stuff is more 'fun'. This year I got some extra 'stocking stuffers' for little kids as Officeworks had these easals for $15 so it was too good a bargin to miss. These are also being delivered today to the drop off, so I'll get that corner of the lounge room back!

I've begun on my reverse advent calendar - collecting 1 or 2 items each shop to donate once I hit 25. I took them to Addison Road food pantry, and will do so again, because it's helping my local area.

So for me, it's the sign that Christmas is coming. It's the season I'm most charitable (more effort on my part than just sending money).  That, and my pre-ordered Christmas gin arrived! It's expensive but oh, so good! It's my Christmas present to me!

Getting my posse together and our tickets to this gig is the other annual tradition that signifies Christmas is coming for me. 

November is full of Christmas Traditions for me, which I enjoy more than most of the December ones, truth be told! November now has a very strong seasonal flavour, where it used to just be 'begining to feel like Christmas'. 

(And you may've seen my call out on twitter for the NSW Flood charities. The Eugowra situation has been quite devastating to watch, so feel free to add any relelvant aid to those flood affected towns in the comments).

All Seasons is open from Friday through Wednesday 5pm, Sydney Time. 

1. Please link one  'seasonal' post a week. 
2. Make sure you link back to this  #AllSeasons post.
3. Please comment on the post before yours. Don't dump and run 
4. I will delete posts if you don't comment.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

What's on your bookshelf - November

I've struggled a bit with focus this month. For bookclub I'm listening to Shrines of Gaiety. It had been recommended by a few people so I was excited to read it but it's failed to grab me. I'm 13 hours in and it still feels like exposition. As a result, it's taking me a long time to wade through as I keep listening to podcasts instead. To be fair, it could be my brain that's the problem, less than the book's fault.

I read this gem of a book - it appears to be out of print (I went to buy copies to give to people) but it's Atwood at her best. Funny and clever little stories, playing with characters from fairy stories. I can't recommend this enough. Other than Handmaids, I'm not her hugest fan, but this is delightful.

And that, I'm sad to say, is about it! 

What are you reading at the moment?

Linking with #Whatsonyourbookshelf. #TrafficJamWeekend #Weekendcoffeeshare #WonderfulWednesday


bookworms monthly linky