Monday 24 July 2023

This & That

Weeks ago I mentioned I was wearing socks with thongs, and then this week, this ad popped up in my feed. Archies (those ever so fabulous arch support thongs) are making socks to wear with the Archies so you can wear them all year round. So who's an incredibly fashon foward trend setter? Me! (At least in the low brow trends you may not want to get on board with stakes. I'm like Valtteri Bottas's mullet. At first you all laugh but then you actually like it....)

Now here's a birthday song for #MondayMusicMoves me. (Here's a clip on behind the lyrics if you're interested). I know you said you like 80's-90's but there's some great new ones. And this is my fave.

And as I was at Lizzo on Sunday, we sang this to people in the crowd whose birthday it was. (Not swears, not suitable for work)

Linking with #DND #WordlessWednesday #KeithsRamblings #WWOT #WWOAT #AwwMondays because I did say Aww excitedly when I came to the stairs to descend and saw the bird! #SundayBest #GardenAffair #FloralFridayFoto #WildbirdWednesday  #SaturdayCritters


  1. oh dear socks with thongs, or jandals as we call them, and thongs are like g-strings.

    1. Thongs def go on your feet. the other things are g-strings....

  2. Socks and Crocs are a real source of debate here - some love them - most dont. We have both camps in my family! Hope all is well. SM

  3. Lydia,

    I like the vibe of the first song. It feels Caribbean-like and has a good feeling to it. Thanks for the introduction of both songs and for joining the 4M party, darlin'. Have a boogietastic week! ;)

  4. I used to wear flip flops (what I think you are calling thongs) when I was younger - no longer. Never with socks. I didn't know either song today and especially enjoyed the reggae vibe of the new song. Alana ramblinwitham

  5. My daughter has given me some very supportive flip flops. Not sure if they are Archies, though. I finally had a pedicure yesterday after over a year without one, so my toes might almost be presentable for thong-wearing. But had never considered wearing socks with my flip flops. Hmmm, then I could avoid the whole pedicure expense!!

  6. Hello, Lydia
    I am sure my feet would not feel comfy wearing socks with flip flops. Thanks for sharing the songs. I love the Rainbow Lorikeet, it is a beautiful bird. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  7. Oh what fun to see! Lizzo!

  8. sounds like a good combination to me - socks and sandals

  9. I liked the pics and videos nice mix too love the bird and always loved reggae growing up still do :-)

    Have a reggaetastic week 👍

  10. It's too hot for socks. I can't go there, but I'm glad you're happy.

    Love both videos.

    Love the bird. A huge Awww.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  11. What a cool bird! Nice post altogether!
    Thanks for sharing at

  12. A beautiful bird and I like the lily too. The thing with the socks and flip-flops would not be my cup of tea. I like the reggae song. Does the singer's hair actually move or does it just seem that way to me? Looks cool. Kind regards and thanks for the link to Nature Thursday – Elke

  13. Socks and thongs? I wondered what I was getting in to. Thank goodness some of the other comments clarified things for me! As for everything else, nice.

  14. Japanese have been wearing socks and thongs for centuries! LOL Nice post, Lydia. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  15. Beautiful bloom, the parakeet is adorable. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.
