Wednesday 12 June 2024

Even More VIVID

 I loved the atmosphere on the Goods line, less lights but the fires and 'shows'. 

In the School of Business they're screening a documentary of people around the world's experience of lockdown. Worth dropping in for five or ten minutes. I really cant get out of my head the guy in New Zealand who did it in a van....

Just outside is Window Dressing, a fun show in the windows of the building. So fun.

This work in Darling Harbour outside the ICC is great too.

Last days, VIVID ends this weekend! 

Linking with #WordlessWednesday #KeithsRamblings #MySundaySnapshot


  1. Lydia, The last night of VIVID too sad!!! I liked the Windows and the lights in Darling Harbor! Do you know if the documentary about the covid quarantine will be on YouTube? Have a great week! - Patty

    1. I'll try and grab the name and see. It was mesmerizing. Quite bleak but I left on a happy one - a share house of 5 people and they seemed to be practising circus skills all the time...

  2. Aimz, you're comment only appears on the backend, for some reason. Anyway, that one with the van was so bleak and depressing, it was awful. I wish I'd noted his name so I could check he was ok now...

  3. ...once again, thanks for taking me along to see the VIVID light shows, Thanks for hosting and I wish you a wonderful week.

  4. Vivid looks so very cool. I so would love to see this is person. Very cool.

  5. Another set of fab Vivid captures I am jealous heheh!
    Have a vividtastic week 👍

  6. Wow! What an adventure!
    Thanks for sharing at

  7. You've brightened my evening! Fabulous!

  8. So colourful, you can really feel the vibes even through the photos. Thanks for taking part and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.
