Sunday, 27 October 2013

First of the Month Fiction - November

Seriously, I blink and another month has gone.

For anyone new, write a story that is 100 exactly or less than 30. Post in comments, then link your blog in link, so we can see your other works. Examples here.

Without further ado, mine is a seasonal 100 words offering.

They had planned this job for months. They knew exactly what to do. Get in, get out and most importantly, get what they came for. They had considered the risks, given her fierce, noisy dogs. They knew the strange lonely old woman was home. It would be difficult, but their greed outweighed their fear. Nervously they pulled on their masks and crept up the drive stealthily. One sidled up to the window and looked in, but there was no sign of her. The other approached the door tentatively. Suddenly the door swung open unexpectedly. "Trick or treat!" the children screamed.

Linking up with With Some Grace for FYBF

(Linkup closed)


  1. Oh this is great! You had me.. heh! #teamIBOT

  2. Love it Lydia! The second reading is completely different, now I know it's about kids at Halloween x

  3. Well done! I just don't know how you do it.
    Oh and happy Halloween....

  4. I so didn't see that ending coming, perfect time of the year for it!

  5. Ha ha, you do have a great imagination! My kids can't wait to do this on Thursday!

  6. Hahaha Very clever-I thought it would be something completely different. I think I have been watching too much CSI..haha

  7. ahhh you got me! I was expecting a completely different ending!

  8. It seemed that the more the days passed, the more she enjoyed sitting near the window, watching the sun move through the trees, and thinking about the future.

    And I feel as if I really should be writing more!

    1. That's really pretty (and positive) thanks for joining in, and you should write more. You're good!

  9. Oh nice one! Well done. And yes time is just flying too quickly

  10. Ha! That's so darn clever!

  11. Hee I like that, I thought it was going to be an armed robbery or something!
    Good work.

  12. Love the element of surprise at the end! Writing to a tight word limit is a real art, isn't it? Fantastic job!

  13. EXCELLENT !!!! Given where I come from, I did not see halloween coming !!!
    Have the best day !
