But I have no other shot to share so this is it.
Linking with #PicturePerfectLinky #WordlessWednesday #SundayBest #WWOAT #WWOT & #WeekendinB&W
But I have no other shot to share so this is it.
Linking with #PicturePerfectLinky #WordlessWednesday #SundayBest #WWOAT #WWOT & #WeekendinB&W
A few years ago I read about the Reverse Advent Calendar over at Tired but Crafty Mummy. The short version is, for every day in December you get a non perishable grocery item and put it in a box, and then donate it before Christmas. I havedone this annually since, and usually give it to a food pantry, however you could also approach refuges (Women's, men's or refugee centres) or with the flooding, possibly evacuated communities. Take your pick. This year I'm considering just unloading it in a street pantry, a number of which popped up near me during lockdown. There are so many people doing it tough this year.I'm using the Food Pantry's web page suggestions of what to collect.
"We welcome all non-perishable pantry items that are in-date and personal hygiene and household items. A few key items include;
Linking with #MuralMonday |
Cooking : A friend started a business Made By Lou and I gave it a go. The meals are very vegetable heavy (but cleverly hidden so my meat eating kids didn't complain) so I re-order a stack of meals for the freezer from the 'build your box' option as we have a number of nights out in the coming weeks. It allows me to feed the kids nutrious meals which I can pop in the oven while getting ready to go out. I don't have a mess to clean up but I'm not resorting to take-away either. (Note the boxes change weekly, and with the build a box, there's a big list to choose from). Website is still being built. Meals serve 4. So in answer to the topic, I am not cooking. I am reheating....and that makes me happy!
Linking with #WeekendReflection |
I saw this, and I thought of the leaf that had fallen and lay briefly in the wet cement, but left a permanent mark.
There are people that to this in our lives, both in good ways and bad ways.
There are people who live their lives for a period, but shape the future for many.
I guess it is worth remembering that what may be a small incidental action for us, may leave a permanant impact on others.
Linking with #BlackandWhiteWeekend
PS I tried to find an appropriate quote but all I could see was this rather negative one 'People will notice the change in your attitude towards them but not notice their behaviour that made you change' However, I think it is quite a sweet and positive notion, but maybe that's a reflection of the people who have left an impact in my life.
Linking with #WeekendReflection |
Something Treasured: Catching up with friends. I've had a rough week, made worse by menopausal hormones, but a catch up with my people puts everything back in perspective. Even just a late night FB message back and forth. Sometimes that's all you need to feel a little lighter.
Homelessness is expected to rise, according to the 2021 predictions and 2020 data finds older women to be a growing figure in that predicition. When it comes to living in poverty in Australia, women and children are usually the hardest hit. This great Women's Agenda article sums up the alarming issue. "It’s no accident these voices were mainly women, because, like violence, poverty in Australia is gendered. While poverty affects far too many of us in this, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, women are more likely to live in poverty." Almost a million children go hungry according to Foodbank's figures. When you look at the poverty figures, it appears 10% of Australians are living in povery. How can this be?
While nothing will change if we as voters don't insist on better policies, one small way is to donate to charities who are picking up the slack where the government fails.
One of my favourites each year is Share the Dignity's #Itsinthebag campaign. Bunnings is taking the donations from the 15th November to the1st December. You can donate for Women, Teens, Mother & Baby and Transmen or Nonbinary people. Allocate your bag with the appropriate ribbon (or tag). Guidelines of what to include, and what you can't, are here. If you don't have time to make a bag yourself, you can also just sponsor a bag.
And opposite of fight club, note point 4 from the Share the Dignity webpage:
How do you donate your bags?
A rising tide lifts all boats, and it starts with you.
Linking with #InspireMeMonday
The year is zooming by so fast. Yesterday I handed in my Xmas gifts to this charity thing I do each year, and am about to write my annual #Itsinthebag post as Bunnings is taking the donations for Share the Dignity from the 19-28 November this year (but I have a story to write this weekend so it may not happen until next week).
I am getting a fuller diary.
I am trying to finalise our tax.
I am sorting xmas presents and advent calendars.
The last two years have dragged and then suddenly, we seem to be zooming along at a ferocious pace. Time is elastic but my age is not. I don't mean the number, I mean the aches and inflexibilty that seems to be creeping in. I need to get more active and get the yoga happening.
Lost time is never found again - Benjamin Franklin.
Are you making the most of the return to real life? May we NEVER have to do that again!
Pictures are not related but they were taken in lockdown...
Linking with #FloralFriday |