Friday 14 June 2024

Short Stories - what have I been listening to?

 A while back I posted about some radio plays I'd enjoyed so I thought I'd post about my most recent discovery.

The New Yorker has this brilliant free podcast where authors read short stories by other authors and then discuss why they like it and the craft and meaning in the work.

It's like a short little book club and a great way to discover the work of authors you may not be that familliar with.

I went looking for the Patricia Highsmith episode (after watching Perfect Days, the Wim Wenders movie, I'm on a roll with her short stories) but got distracted by the Shirley Jackson one instead. I'm keen to listen to all the Alice Munro and Haruki Murakami episodes too...

I am listening on Spotify but I'm sure you can get it elsewhere.

Linking with #WowonWednesday #WWWHimsy #MonthlyBookWorms #SeniorSalonPitstop #Bookdate  #SundayPost #Stackingtheshelves & SundaySalon (if this is allowed?) 


  1. The New Yorker has always published amazing fiction authors — they discovered many that are now totally classic, like J.D.Salinger. They were the first to publish “In Cold Blood” the revolutionary article by Truman Capote. And of course Murakami. Interesting to hear that they are now on audio.
    best, mae at

  2. This sounds like a delightful podcast! I'm always fascinated with the wisdom writers bring to the work of others. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    I recently discovered Poetry in America on PBS, and I'm slowly making my way through it.

  3. Thanks for bringing that to my attention! I always forget about podcasts and want to broaden my horizons.

  4. Thank you for sharing this podcast. I think I would enjoy it!

  5. Sounds interesting. I haven't ever listened to a podcast. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  6. I'm subscribed to that New Yorker podcast, but somehow I never go to my podcast app anymore. Always too many audiobooks coming in from the library at once, I guess. I never don't have an audiobook to listen to!

  7. This podcast sounds like one that I'd love. I rarely read short stories, but I'd be keen to find some authors. Will check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.

  8. Hi Lydia, that sounds like a great podcast to add to my listening list! I listen to Podcasts on Spotify too. Sometimes I listen as I wash dishes and do chores. Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - hope you're having a great week! xo

    1. Yes, I listen to audio books when doing housework. Makes it seem less of a dull waste of time....

  9. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to add it to my to-listen list!

  10. This sounds great, I find lots of books via podcasts. It's interesting to hear from the writers. Thanks for linking!

  11. Oh I love this idea, Lydia. Thanks for sharing and I hope you can join us this Friday for What's On Your Bookshelf? I'm off to find the podcast so I can listen on my walks. x #WWWhimsy

  12. I love listening to Audible in the car and at times here as I type or make art of sorts. I cannot do long attention span is definitely 15-20 mins. These sound ideal.Denyse

  13. How interesting! I use Spotify a lot and haven't stumbled upon this yet, but I'm going to go look for it now. Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from Bookworms Monthly.

  14. That sounds interesting. I love hearing what other people think of books.
