Wednesday, 22 September 2021

“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans” – John Lennon.

The John Lennon line sums up lockdown completely. You were busy with lots of things on the horizon and then wham. Nothing at all. And nothing to plan beyond what food you'd order on Friday and what could you do to lure the kids outside.

But life indeed does go on.

This week I have looked at accomodation in Thailand, and then a beach house in Sydney for January, hours of investigating only to book nothing. I can't work out what I think will be possible. Or what I will feel comfortable doing.

So begins the next phase.

I will be happy when we get our 10kms back and we can go back to the Botanic gardens.

And swimming somewhere.

And even a little 'bush walk'.

I will be extremely happy if we can go and stay in regional areas.

I miss everything at the moment but I'm also dreading the surge. I am very worried people don't really understand what it will involve. I do believe '‘the true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members’ and I worry that yet again, we will be failing them.

These are not numbers and statistics, they are people. 

All I can do is hope somehow it skips us. I hope somehow we 'get it right'.

 Linking with #GardenAffair

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  1. This quote is spot on. We're all doing the same thing.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  2. This pandemic has been tough. Try to cope. Finland is opening, soon all the restrictions are gone. So many people & businesses were hurt. I have been lucky and stayed well. Reason to be thankful for.

  3. So true. I think one thing I've learned here is that I can only control my actions, not everyone thinks like me, it's a hard one to swallow.

  4. Quite right.
    But I think it' s a good thing to have plans and dreams too.
    Tomorrow my country is opening up. Most of us are vaccinated. Now, we are just waiting for the rest of the world.

    1. I agree it is definitely to have good things to look forward to. I think it's what's really hit me the most this lockdown. The endless NOTHING of life. I have booked a concernt and a birthday dinner for a friend for a few weeks time....our 'open' date is being guessed by venues...ha!

  5. Where is this beautiful garden Lydia?

    1. It's in the Botanic Gardens. Heading up to the Lions Head Gate (I think it's called.)

    2. Thanks. I have never seen that fountain used as a planter. I wonder if it's newly located there.

    3. maybe it was actually a fountain? The plants at the foot of it are def new.

  6. Lydia
    I heartily thank you for visiting ~ My little old world ~ and for leaving such a lovely comment!
    Since I love John Lennon I wanted to write these words of mine here, and I'm glad to have chosen this article of yours with such a beautiful garden!
    Sending hugs and more hugs across the many miles
    Xx Daniela

  7. Given I cannot follow you here I'm going to do it on Twitter :)!

    1. Oh yes, I was meant to do something when they turned off feedburner or whatever and I didn't so...well, here we are. Yes, twitter covers it all daily...:)

  8. These white birds are beautiful! Emille (Jesh)

  9. Beautiful gardens and those sulphur crested cockatoos are beautiful.

    Scotland has opened up to a large degree and our infection rates are declining (after spiking hugely when the schools reopened). We're mostly vaccinated though, which reduces the worst effects of the pandemic.

  10. ...don't let your plans get in the way of your life. Enjoy the flowers along the way!

  11. We have been experiencing a bit of a surge here in Massachusetts, USA. I’ve been working in a private Montessori school since July 2020. After the masks were allowed to be removed because of the vaccinations some people began to get sick again. We still wear masks at school (work) but have noticed that some of the children have started to get sick. Fortunately it’s been 24 hour fevers and bad colds but not COVID. I think we will all have to think of a “new normal”

  12. Yes, Lydia, we live in a society with many selfish, inconsiderate and in some case very dangerous people. The self-styled "freedom fighters" yearn for their own freedom and will go to any length to secure it, but they give no thought at all how their actions erode and curtail the freedom of others. Sad...

  13. We have teachers and health care workers leaving their jobs rather than get a vaccine. Those who are supposed to protect us refusing to do so....Makes me beyond angry....Michelle

  14. Beautiful post ! Lovely parakeets. Thanks for joining Garden Affair.
