Tuesday 16 January 2024

In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary ~ Aaron Rose.

It had been an overcast day for our big day of sightseeing in Kyoto. Thankfully not raining but grey and dark.

Then as we hit Kinkakuji, the temple with the famed golden pavillion in the afternoon, the sun came out to hit the gold in just the right angle. It glowed.

It would have still been beautiful but with the sun as a spotlight it was breath-taking.

The camera doesn't really pick up the shine emanating from the building but you can sort of see it comeing from under the roof.

I was told by a friend that the reason these buildings survive the many earthquakes is that they are placed upon rocks, so the rocks move with the earth when it shakes, bearing the brunt of the movement.

In short, they go with the flow. Perhaps that is the lesson we take from these stunning edifices? Events might shake us but if we remain steady under impact, we will still be standing at the end.

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  1. Magical. Just magical. I am learning more about how light and colours affect us. I am not sure of the facts but I love learning!

  2. Fantastic photos Lydia. We visited Japan in 2012 and Kyoto was included in our trip. Interesting fact about earthquakes and building on rocks to protect the buildings. Hope you are having a wonderful time. x

  3. Wow this looks incredible Lydia. Hope the trip is going well!

  4. Extraordinary photos indeed, Lydia, and I love that opening quote.

  5. Hi Lydia. Firstly, I love that quote at the top of your post! Secondly, I've been off the blogging grid for a while and didn't know you were in Japan. How exciting! Were you there when the earthquake happened? Beautiful photos and interesting fact about the building being on rocks which helps protect them during earthquakes. What lovely blue skies too. Looks like good weather! Thanks for linking up with the very first #WWWhimsy of 2024. Enjoy your holiday! xo

    1. We left the day after - freinds were there and their phones kept beeping the alarms at them. The bartender told them to run...but they were all fine and not close.

  6. Delightful pictures and some interesting facts. Thanks for sharing them, Lydia.

  7. Such gorgeous scenery! Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.

  8. That temple does glow in the sunlight, and I love the reflections in the water. Wonderful photos.
