Sunday 28 January 2024

Money and Happiness

There is a meme going round that a lot of my friends like to share. It's Jim Carrey saying that he hopes everyone gets rich and famous so they realise that it's not the answer. Every time I see it, it winds me up with irritation. Yes, I agree money can't buy happiness but seriously, there is such arrogance of privilege in that statement. 

Plenty of people can't go to the doctor until they have saved up enough to afford it. Plenty of people get an unexpected bill for $100 or $200 and that creates so much stress for them - weeks of anxiety or fiscal pressure. 

On a personal note, I learnt a lesson on this recently (and note, I'm aware I'm the Jim Carrey in this scenario). While in Japan (yes, already privileged enough to have an overseas holiday with my family), one of the kids left early. I went with them to the airport on the train because I was worried I needed to fix something on our ticket, and if he couldn't check his bags (due to short connection time) I was going to take it back with me. However, I took us on the train to the wrong airport. We couldn't find our check in counter and when asking someone, they looked at the ticket and pointed out my mistake. It would take an hour and forty minutes by train and bus to get there, or an hour in the taxi.

I told my son we were just getting the taxi, and as we put in the bags, I asked the driver how much it would cost.  My son paused putting his bag in the back in case the answer meant we couldn't go with him and I said "Hon, we're doing it anyway. It's going to be cheaper than buying you a new plane ticket." My heart was sinking as the taxi driver typed a lot of numbers into the calculator to show me a figure. I then did the currency conversion from yen and while it was over $200, I was slightly relieved it wasn't the $500 I'd imagined.

I felt terrible and told my husband enroute, as it was a wasteful mistake that ate into our budget unnecessarily (and with no joy as a reward). Kindly he just said "Let me know if he makes his flight", no doubt knowing full well I'd be mentally beating myself up over it.

My son stated, when I worked out the cost "It's a good thing you came. I couldn't have paid this!" I was so relieved I didn't just book his train ticket and send him on his way.

He checked in with time to spare and I got the bus back to town. It was expensive and a stupid waste of money, but it didn't really impact us. Not in a major way. But for many, what do you do in that situation? That decision, if you can even consider it an option, could be far more fiscally stressful. Do you take the affordable transport but potentially miss your international flight? I felt so bad about my mistake but it didn't matter really. Imagine how you feel if that's your food budget or rent for a week gone?

Yes, money may not make you happy or bring what you think it brings, but for a lot of the world it might make life easier, or bearable, or mean they can afford their meds or see a dentist or even just eat properly.

I saw a band called Dip last week and one of their songs has a line "My mental health is so expensive" and that seemed to resonate with the young audience. It made me very sad how tough people seem to have it in this 'lucky country'. Getting help is financially out of reach for many that need it.

So yes Mr Carrey, it is not the answer but it does take away a lot of stress and difficulty. Maybe acknowledge the privilege it brings. The privilege of never really having to worry about spending money.

Photos are from the taxi tearing across Osaka. 

Linking with #HappyTuesday (because discussing happiness) #MondayMusicMovesMe #FinalFriday #WWWhimsy and for the pics with #SkyWatch & #GaleriaHimmelsblich


  1. I've lived in different towns around NZ and I have to say that the price for seeing a doctor varies. IN Tauranga and Kerikeri it's about 45 dollars NZD, here in Greymouth it's $17 but not too bad. The waiting time though is pretty bad and can be up to 2 weeks. I"m guessing if Jim Carrey hasn't had any money worries then he wouldn't have any idea how the rest of us struggle.

  2. I agree, money is not always the answer and it does not bring happiness. I found traveling and airports can be very stressful. Love the pretty sky photos, lovely trip images. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

  3. An interesting way of looking at the meme Lydia (I've not seen it) and your story of your travel dilemma was a good way to highlight some of the issues. Thanks for this and so glad things worked out for you, despite it seeming like a waste of money mistakes happen! We once took a train from Amsterdam airport the wrong way and a lovely local took pity on us and helped us get back onto the opposite side of the tracks to go back to where we should have gone in the first place - travel stories like this make us human!

    1. I have to think of my many friends who had turned up to the midnight flight out of Bali a day late - and had to run and try and buy a new at least it wasn't that! (I now these travel things happen and can be much, much's such a stress when it happens, even with out cost being an issue! Something to do with the unfamilliar place, language issues, general fatigue etc)

  4. Hi Lydia, I agree that money does not necessary bring you happiness but it certainly can make life easier! I'd rather have money than not have money! I'm so glad your son made his flight. I can understand your frustration at your mistake but glad it all ended well. Thanks so much for linking up with #WWWhimsy - have a wonderful week! xo

  5. "Enough" money for what we need day to day and in an emergency is my mantra now. However, I am very much grateful for learning more about what I NEED than what I want...and my dear husband helps me with this reminder. However, I would have also done what you did if I had to. Denyse #WWWhimsy

  6. To Yogi- If you see this, I just wanted to say that I LOVED that you used a pinhole camera!!! Fantastic share.

  7. Where does wealth begin? I think every person sets this standard differently? There are people who think they are rich when they have enough to eat and a roof over their head, others when they have a secure job and enough savings to be able to pay their medical bills or other things, others when they can afford a vacation trip etc. I think that great wealth also creates problems, but they are completely different than the ones the little man on the street has. Yes, money solves many problems, but not all. There's a nice saying: Money doesn't necessarily make you happy, but it's very calming when you have it.
    The sky above the city is beautiful!

  8. I watched a very interesting documentary about this exact issue. I am a credit counselor and a bankruptcy insolvency counselor so I deal with people who have money issues. You are correct and so is Jom Carrey. Having money definitely eases that stress and makes a person less unhappy when they are dealing with money issues but there are many very rich people who, despite " having it all" were very unhappy. Jim Carreybis open about his mental health struggles. Betty Hutton, thr richest gal, at one time, went through all her m9ney and many husband's before dying, alone, I a hotel room with about $12,000 left in her bank account. Christina Onassis committed suicide's so sad money does help ease our financial burden but it can't sustain our feelings of self worth.
    I like that song and just glad you made it on time

  9. I would be grateful that I could afford the taxi. I can relate to the "my mental health is so expensive" as a family member needed counseling at a time when medical insurance here in the United States had only limited coverage for this kind of thing. I know people who put off medical care because of high deductible insurance plans (which too many times, costs them more money in the end). On the government plan for people over 65, I find that certain medications are so expensive that I wonder how many people skip taking them. I need to get off my soapbox, so I'm happy also that you had accompanied your son and he made it on time. That kind of stress is bad. Your song was nice and upbeat. Alana

    1. No need to get off soapbox. The world needs to hear the voices of discontent. People are rarely aware of what doesn't affect them - like Mr Carrey with his quote about money not being the answer....

  10. Jim Carey's statement is disturbing. I agree with you on everything you said about money can't buy happiness but it sure could make life easier for most of us. It would be so super nice to win the lottery. I just imagine all the good I can do in our lives, the lives of our children, their children, ... Oh well, there's always someone like Carey who don't get how blessed they are to have money. I won't even begin to touch the medical crisis many people face or how things are so screwed up in how the government decides whose deserving of help. It's a little scary thinking about DH's retirement in a few years. Will will make it? It would be nice to win the lottery so we wouldn't have to worry about such things. I'm happy things worked out for your son, though. That would be an horrible ordeal for many. Thanks for joining the 4M party, Lydia!

  11. The well off can't feel what we feel. They don't even notice the prices of things.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  12. What a wonderfully insightful and even brave post, Lydia. I know there are times I forget the years when we did, indeed, live paycheck to paycheck. We would sit down at the table, with bills in front of us and put them in order of what definitely had to be paid and what could be paid with just the minimum. Fortunately for us (and I know I'm in that privileged company), we no longer face those choices. I'm also fortunate that I can help my kids with small financial emergencies at times. Jim Carrey probably doesn't even realize, or, for that matter, care how tone deaf his comment is. But, then I'm pretty sure I do the same thing. Thank you so much for an interesting and thought-provoking post. I'm so glad all worked out well for your son. You will be a featured post in my Final Friday's post this week!

    1. Thank you - I'm chuffed you liked it so much to feature it.
