Friday 14 June 2024

And just like that - Lights out!

VIVID is over for another year. I'm always a little sad when this day comes. I've spent a few weeks racing around seeing the displays, joining in the music and other evcnts. With friends, by myself, rushing to an area before a show, managing to squeeze as much in as possible. 

And now, it's over.

Now what, Sydney?

Until next year.... 

A note to visitors - VIVID is Sydney's Winter festival. It's outdoors and on the nights of the Drone show, it can get very crowded. I had no crowd issues on any of the nights I went, including a Saturday night (but in a different area to the drone show). Don't let the negative reports put you off. It's wonderful. There's plenty of food trucks and some of the prices were high but there's also all of Sydney's normal shops and restaurants too. The dates vary each year but it's well worth a visit if you are in the country at the time. 

Also the details of the film I mentioned in a previous post are here. It's called Nowhere to be and it's the expereince of 31 film makers in lockdowns around the world. Fascinating and well worth watching if you get a chance. The Australian premiere was at VIVID.


  1. What a fabulous photo essay! I love all the bright colours. ♥ Thanks for visiting me at The Doglady's Den

  2. Good to hear that it’s not too crowded. The lights all look magnificent.
    best, mae at

  3. What a beautiful event! I visited Sydney for the first time last November. What a wonderful place. Enjoy your week! I'm visiting from Rain's post ~ a little late making the rounds.

  4. I really would like to visit this magnificant event...but as you know....I live on the other side of the world. Have a good time.

  5. Dear Lydia, yes, your comment went trhu - but I'm not sure if mine did... Hugs, Traude

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well, this one did... but not the one where I told you that I couldn't find your linky...

  6. Vivid must be such a great experience - I love such festivals for the senses! The light show, the projections on the buildings, a dream!
    All the best, Traude

  7. wow that is a very exctiing light display, don't think I've seen one as big as that.

  8. Vivid is a wonderful event that I would love to experience. Your pictures are next best and they are excellent.

  9. ...all good things come to an end and VIVID will be worth waiting for next year.

  10. Well, it was enjoyed by all while it lasted and it is something to look forward to next year, Lydia. Lovely shots! Thanks for hosting and greetings from a very cold Melbourne... (Nick from MAP)

  11. Lydia, I have loved the posts about Vivid!!! Today my favorite ones are the ones with the birds (what kind?) and the geometric shapes and the pink one, but they all are just amazing!! Thanks so much too, for hosting your link party each week!!! - Patty

    1. I would have said Borolga from memory but when I came to write that, I see that it's not. I actually don't know!!

  12. Very nice. Sad that there will be no more posts about Vivid. What a great time I had through your photos.

  13. I've enjoyed your Vivid posts Lydia and feel like I've been again now!! Many thanks for sharing with us #weekendcoffeeshare

  14. I have friend lives in Sidney he sends me photos of the light show

  15. VIVID looks fantastic. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  16. It's fun to hear of events I've never heard of before. I will dig deeper into Vivid, - your photos are intriguing. Enjoy your winter, it's summer here!

  17. Another set of fab pics Vivid is vivid heheh :-)
    Have a vividtastic week 👍

  18. This looks to be an amazing event - such awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing your snaps and for taking part in #MySundaySnapshot.
