Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Share Four Somethings - November

It feels too soon to be writing this but here we are...a month until Christmas!! 

Things I've Loved/Disliked  There is of course, the obvious one but for everyone's sanity, I'll skip it. Focusing on what I loved instead, I'll go with Max Frost doing another round of the battle of the covers. Follow his Insta and join in the voting. He's such a talent and it's a free, fun game. It puts a gleeful spring in my step every time he posts another round.

Took my birthday present (from back in Feb) out for the first time at Currawong. Had a really lovely early morning (but late enough for the sharks to not be dawn and dusk people!) paddle board. Am on the look out for more opportunity to use it.

Things I need to Improve I am constantly feeling stressed and time poor - but I think I'm just mismanaging time. I do have a lot of obligations at the moment and my work is suffering a bit. I need to maybe get myself better organised, though I sort of resent all the extra work Christmas creates at the moment (I know by mid December I get to enjoy the rewards with all the socialising but for now I'm a little bah humbug).

Things I've Accomplished Half the Christmas shopping. Though one kiddo has literally nothing from Santa at this stage. Even sorted half the food (ordered not arrived, obvs). So for me, that's feeling very organised....yet I still feel I'm not! 

Things I've Noticed Australia seems to be the tour haven at the moment - heaps of authors, bands, Djs and comedians are all turning up. My Nov-March is getting very full already! And my bank account is getting very low....great for me but do we go into a lull after April? Obviously if you were from Northern Hemisphere you'd be keen for a bit of Summer but has the Australian promoters just decided we need more entertainment or is everyone who put it off in COVID decided to come now? Not complaining but it is noticeably busier...(Maybe my tastes have become more commercial?)

The photos this week are from my bay run walk, but I've decided to flick some upside down because you may remember I like to do that (other times are here , here and here) If you want them right side up, look here.

Hope you had a great month too! 


  1. Nice cloud reflections in your photos. I hope you get to do more paddleboarding and have less stress in the week ahead. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  2. I've been feeling stressed and time poor too. What I've been doing more lately is doing meditation before bedtime. Ideally I would like to meditate in first in the morning too. It definitely has made a difference!

  3. This year has been more stressful then years past. We haven't begun Christmas shopping yet but we have an idea of what to buy which helps. Here's hoping life settles a bit for you so that you can enjoy your days better, especially with the holidays fast approaching. Thanks for joining the 4M party and since you like Battle of the Covers, then you might want to stop by early on Dec 1st for my newest Battle of the Bands edition. ;) Have a boogietastic week, Lydia!

    1. Oops, I forgot to sign in. This is CAAC!

  4. Christmas has snuck up fast this year. I l9ve Christmas but if we skipped a year, I would be love your pictures of the peaceful waters. I never heard of him before but he was good to listen to.

  5. I'm one of those party poopers who is going to announce "no Christmas gifts this year" due to a family situation taking a lot of my time and mental energy. Fortunately I don't have young children on my list, who wouldn't understand. I enjoyed the beat of your musical selection and your reflection photos. I also like taking reflection photos.

    1. I had 2 friends say let's not do gifts but I'm going to our xmas lunch today and I have gifts. I don't expect or want anything in return, but I want to do it....I think that's okay...we shall see.

  6. I think we are all stressed this time of year, and it's been a stressful year. I hope you manage to get your shopping done soon, and everything organized so you are able to relax.

  7. Definitely a stressful year. I'm kind of bah humbug too, but that's typical for me. Love your upside down skies!

  8. You got some marvelous reflections going on!!

    I think the whole entertainment is still exploding from being under wraps during Covid. I was flabbergasted last month when I read that the first case of covid in humans was diagnosed just five years ago! Amazing, it cut a broad swath worldwide. Oklahoma lost 1% of our population to it.

  9. Hands to the sky..., beautiful song and a great sky in the video, but the reflection and the sky above the water is simply gigantic!
