Tuesday 26 September 2023

Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life. Linus Pauling

I was at the dentist and this bird came slamming into the window and began pecking on the glass. I squealed and jumped in surprise but the rest of the staff just laughed at my reaction and explained he just wanted to see what we were doing.

Apparently the bird was very curious about their business and patients. It happened quite frequently.

So even animals have a natural sense of curiosity.

I wrote about Curiosity here recently, so I won't repeat myself but recently I had this exchange on twitter and it links into the title quote. So for many of us, curiosity is very beneficial to well being.

There are two other very positive by products of curiosity. One it gives you understanding, and so my empathy or tolerance of difference. 

Replace judgment with curiosity. Lynn Nottage

I was surprised at recognising myself at this one by de Botton. I am the person who hates to draw attention to myself but I always have to ask the questions once that itch of curiosity begins to scratch at my brain. Basically my curiosity is stronger than my introverted shyness.

I think of myself as quite a shy person. But when I'm curious about something, I'll go quite far to satisfy my curiosity. Alain de Botton

So while they say 'Curiosity killed the cat', it's also true that 'Satisfaction brought it back'

Linking with #HappyNow

JENerally Informed


  1. Awesome post and you gave me new ideas for the quotes game, regarding the word curiosity! I'll try it and I'll refer you also.
    The bird is so cute. You were inspired to do such photos!
    Thank you for the morning smile and ideas!
    Hugs! Have a beautiful day!❤️😘

  2. Love the curious bird.
    Curiosity--I agree one of the best things in life.

  3. Hello,
    Love your curious Cockatoo, it is a beautiful bird. The birds can be silly when they see their reflections in the windows. Never stop being curious! Great post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Lovely captures of the curious fearless bird!

  5. How amazing to see this bird out and about! It seems so exotic!

  6. So precious. Curiosity is a good thing.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Lydia. ♥

  7. Aww! how cute is that great shots :-)

    Have a curioustastic week

  8. Awww I love those kind of birds! I bet so do you!!! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I would've jumped too if a bird did that. I like that thought about pursuing every curiosity. the quote about replacing judgement with cuirousity was also very good.

  10. we don't have cockatoos just flying around here in the US so I probably would have screamed and wondered whose pet got loose. :)

  11. Great shots, Lydia. Curiosity is a grand thing, it leads to many an adventure. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  12. What a very curious bird, great photos and lots of food for thought about curiosity.

  13. Cute parakeet, Thanks for sharing thought provoking post with Garden Affair.

  14. Many birds are so curious and I think these birds are also intelligent..

  15. What a charming and rather curious little creature. Thanks for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot and for sharing your snaps.
