Monday 7 October 2024

September Reading

Heading off again tomorrow, so I'll get straight into it.

How to Stop Time. It took me two thirds of the book to get into it - I found him a little annoying and the name dropping really irritating but the last third once the action heats up, engaging and interesting. I think if you like his other books, then you'll enjoy it. 

This is a junk crime - def a holiday read. I liked the cultural difference. Indonesian Chinese family star. There are some very funny bits but overall, I wasn't in love with it. Entertaining enough, but not really recommending it.

Ghost Ship This is a collection of beautiful poems, very poignant at times, amusing at others. One very heartbreaking I was at a loss for words. It got me thinking a lot about memory, and how we work it, touching it like a familiar fabric for comfort, even when it hurts. Lovely imagery that sticks in my mind well after reading. The description on the back jacket got me thinking...

Travelling Light I am slowly working my way through all of her adult works as they translate into English. This collection of short stories was written in the 80's, I think, though most seem timeless except a couple, in particular, Correspondence. Some travel out of Finland, for the first time if I recall correctly. One of the things I like about short stories is it's interesting to see what hooks people. My husband had read the book before me and he talked of one story in particular that he really liked. I was genuinely surprised he liked it so much as it didn't appeal to me as much as a couple of the others. But I guess that's why we discuss books...we all bring a different insight to them. Lovely collection on travel (& how we think about it) and I enjoyed it on my travels.

Linking with #MonthlyBookWorms (I can't seem to add the badge. Sorry - Not sure what's going on)