Thursday 24 October 2024

Share Four Somethings-October

Things I've Loved/Disliked
Having been away for a month, I've loved catching up with friends. I've seen groups, gone to bands, had dinners out and basically seen lots of people I felt I hadn't seen in ages. It was good to connect after having such an 'alternative' life to normal (ie not here in my usual spot!) I guess sometimes stepping away makes you appreciate what you have more.

Things I need to Improve Not getting annoyed at certain people's behaviour. I know not to engage when they start to play games but I do still get irked by it. It is not my responsibility to pick up their baggage.

Things I've Accomplished I have shaved off a lot of money on the hotel bookings in Japan by using all the points we earned in the last month of travels. While Japan is a country I would rather not stay in a chain hotel, free rooms when you have to book 2 rooms add up quickly. So alas, no cedar baths or tatami mats for us, on the plus we do get coffee machines...

Things I've Noticed I used to find masks in all my pockets and handbags (and on occasion still do) but now I see to find earplugs whenever I put my hands in my pockets. I wear them at bands after I read that ONE BILLION people are suffering hearing loss from attending festivals...That's 1/7 of the whole world! I guess it's a way of seeing that life has changed from what it was a few years back...(I still live in fear of COVID, but only that I'll have to cancel plans and miss out!)

The photos were taken walking to the theatre and to a gig. Appreciating the urban beauty everywhere I look having been out in the countryside or on islands....

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