Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Holiday #Allseasons

Every Christmas we go up to the Hunter Valley for the Christmas lights, usually with a group of school friends and their famillies. Last few years it's been dwindling, and this year we just took a firend of my kiddo with us. But they had a great time so it was still deemed a success. I know this tradition will end soon, but apparently it's still a go for another year....


It was unseasonally cold so I was thankful that I chucked in my polar fleece hoodie at the last minute.   
Linking with #WeekendReflection

The tradition for me in this tradition is that I get up early to take photos of the kangaroos. 

While I didn't get any great shots this year, I did have a flock of turkeys waddle past, gobbling loudly. They really do make that noise which I'd never heard. That was surprsingly a highlight for me!

This #Allseasons will be open until New Year, and then the blog will be shut until the end of January.

My seasonal wishes to you all: 

May there be food on your table,
Love in your home,
Peace in every country (this makes me sad but I wish it so I'll say it),
Radiant health and endless happiness. 

For those of you who have a difficult time at this time of year, I raise a glass to you and say 'Here's to being yourself and being loved for it!'

And as the excitement for the 2023 Dakar that is fast approaching builds (the Hinos have landed! Yeah, baby!), I'll also wish that while 2020-22 saw us all in rocky terain, may 2023 be full gas! Here's to better things ahead and appreciating what we have when we have it!

I know this isn't a great pic but it's just for the sunset....

Until I return in Feb, have a great break and stay safe. Drive carefully and for the Aussies, remember the double demerits.

My Insta will be running (because I'm addicted to my phone) if you miss me too much.

Until next year!

Linking with #WWOT #ThruMyLens #TheRandom

All Seasons is open from Friday through Wednesday 5pm, Sydney Time. 

1. Please link one  'seasonal' post a week. 

2. Make sure you link back to this  #AllSeasons post.

3. Please comment on the post before yours and the hosts. Don't dump and run or I will delete your posts. It's rude.

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Crocodile and Alligators

Stopped at the Australian Reptile Park as I'd sponsored a Dragon and had a free pass to visit. A lot has changed since I was last there. It's a great way to see the animal up close (and feed some furry ones too).


It was unseasonably cold so there was little action from the reptiles but the cassowary and varieties of roos and echidnas were all up for action....

So just a reminder that if you are going, pick a hot day if you can....(and easy viewing sight lines for kids in prams)

Saturday, 17 December 2022

My year in review

It's been a pretty tough year for me. A lot of negative stuff going on. So when I was given this Gin from a friend, I thought it was possibly the most perfect present for me. And 100% my vibes.

However, when I scroll back on my Instagram, my visual diary and happy place, it's been a pretty sensational year too. I'm not going to apologise for my artistic highlight reel (I don't get BeReal - I can just look at my own BeReal out my own eyeballs, and it bores me so why would anyone else want to see it? Except Pierre Gasly's, I like his BeReal, what I've seen of it).

I digress. 2022 saw a beach holiday in Sydney, trip to Canberra, two trips to Newcastle and Hobart, Melbourne, Currawong, Narooma to swim with seals, Merimbula (for the magnificent Curtis Harding at Wanderer Festival) and a week on Lord Howe Island. It's been strange having only one kid in tow on holidays. 

Our eldest moved back in after a year and a bit out, just to regroup in the rental market but it's nice for everyone to have a full house again.

I saw plenty of bands, and much dancing in crowds which always makes me happy. VIVID returned. We had friends from the US and Greece came to visit. 

Plenty of art, theatre and fun. Parties were back on.

All in all, there's little to complain about when you look atthe good with the bad. It's a good reminder not to get bogged down in the heavy stuff. Go out of your house or simply out of your head.

So there will be a final #Allseasons that will remain open until the end of Jan.

#OneSmallThing is finished for the year and will return in Feb.

I wish you all much happiness (and good health) over the holiday break. 

Happy Whatever you celebrate.

Remember Christmas and time with family can be difficult and approximately one million Australians (4%) have an eating disrorder so no comments (postive or negative) on people's appearance or what they are eating. Make your gift to the people you love an enjoyable time spent together.

Remember your freinds who lost someone or divorced this year. This might be their first Christmas with that hole at the table. Don't forget to reach out, even if the loss was back in January.

Lastly, be kind to yourself (and the planet). It's a lot of fuss for one day, but none of it really matters. It happens regardless of how you celebrate it, and it's better without the stress.

I will be on Instagram over the hols.

Linking with  MakroTex #SundayBest #SkyWatch #MCoW #WednesdayAroundtheWorld #HeidisHeavenlyGaze


Thursday, 15 December 2022

Very last Share Four Somethings Ever!

I have really enjoyed this link up, even though I struggle with the Achieved almost every month. The format and brevity (but covering broad subject matter at the same time) really made it a fun and enjoyable post to write. So thank you for the last two years (as I was a late comer) but I understand it's a lot of work and when it's no longer fun, it's time to put it to rest.

Something Loved: I've had great fun catching up with friends at Christmas parites - book clubs. mah jong group and Champagne Club all had get togethers this week, and much frivolity ensued. Also had a run of shows and bands so I'm on a good time high. Got Caribou tonight but then a few nights at home (though with the soccer in the mornings...Go Morocco!)*
*That's dated badly. Opps.

Linking with #FloralFridayFoto

Something Gleaned:  The phrase 'knocked up' came from slavery. The price of the enslaved woman was 'knocked up' by the auctioneer if pregnant, a sort of better value deal...writing that about people is quite horrifying really. All these things we know as 'history' but don't really think about properly until we do (as a white Australian).

Linking with#NaturesNotes & #WildbirdWednesday

Something Saved:
This post on Gothic Tales by Wilde, Bradbury, Poe and Carol Joyce Oates. I want to work my way through them. 

#RubyTuesdayToo and #BlueMonday

Something Achieved: I'll be honest, I won't miss this prompt each month but I suspect it's been quite good for me to have to think about. I've managed to watch every 6 am game of the World Cup? I've managed to do 18 months worth of regularly linking up (unless i'm away) with Share Four Somethings? I hope to get the xmas shopping all done by next week? I know. I've written enough in this little prompt for the very last time!

Merry Christmas to you all, and thanks again for hosting such a lovely link up.

Sydney peeps, there are still tickets available here to the Sydney show at the metro for Furnace and the Fundamentals Christmas show.