Thursday 18 May 2023

Tell Us about Gardens....

If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you will know I love gardens. When I travel I seek out gardens.  Even in big cities, the gardens tell you a lot about the place, as well as being a sheer delight to enjoy the outdoors. The first time I went to Versailles, I spent 6 hours in the garden before I made it into the palace...I had such an amazing day but I also surprised myself, as I assumed I was more into the oppulance of the chateau but instead just kept getting lured to explore a little bit further in the magnificent garden...

But the garden in literature and imagery is one of my favourite of all. There is an invitation to explore and discover, and more often than not is is a discovery within oneself or an aspect to tame and manage.

 'Tend your garden' is one of the best pieces of life advice in The Little Prince  (discussed in this blog post) A more nuanced version of 'The Grass is always Greener...where you water it' as discussed here years ago. 

Gardens are a symbol of work we do for enjoyment, and to reap rewards of beauty or sustinance later. They are taming nature to our will, working with seasons and animals (insects) to aid survival and allow beauty to bloom. 

Think in fairy stories how gardens are left in neglect while evil reigns, and are restored and tamed once right wins. Think of the hunger caused by barren land and gardens gone to seed but then curses are lifted and prosperity returns.

Of course, the most famous garden of all, the one I have spent my life spying longingly through the keyhole at, too big to enter the door, much like Alice. No matter how hard I try to drink the potion and get in, I am destined to be that grown up who can't quite gain access. But if I squint, for awhile, I can see it all clearly. (I've written at least 12 blog posts about Alice in Wonderland so I probably don't need to go into the importance of that book again here).

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) summed it up perfectly 'If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need'.

(Note most of the photos are gardens in Tokyo but the teapot and gardens ith little characters in them I found on the streets of the Inner West Sydney quite by accident, but they filled me with delight).

Linking with #AwwMondays for the cute little figures turning the ordinary into the adorable.


  1. HI Lydia, I have never thought of the connection with gardens and literature but you are so right! What a great post and creative way of looking at the Gardens and Gardening topic. Your photos are beautiful and I love the fairy in the garden. It reminds me of the characters in the 'Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom' TV show on the ABC. x

    1. I think they are (from Ben & Holly) - def a tv show, at least. There was George Pig too from Peppa Pig. Someone had them in street beds. I'm glad no one stole them.

  2. Being winter here the only things being in action are my citrus trees and spinach plants in the vege garden but I have high hopes for Spring

    1. Oooh, that is exciting! The waiting for the garden to 'awake'

  3. I love what you've done with this post on gardens Lydia! Thanks for joining us for Tell Us About :). We're reading Alice in Wonderland for our online bookclub so I might have to search out some of your posts!

  4. So beautiful images! I love also gardens and libraries. And what you shared is amazing. Thank you a lot!
    Happy WW and a fine week! 😘❤️

  5. Hello Lydia, you combine wonderful pictures with almost philosophical thoughts. Gardens are becoming more and more important to me with every year that I get older. And it is always the natural garden that excites me more than any styled garden with an English lawn. Thanks for linking to Nature Thursday. Kind regards - Elke

  6. I love visiting gardens too. Some people have such amazing skill to plan and plant and tend a garden. I loved Versailles too . Enjoy your week and spring. I am visiting from DND this week.

  7. What a lovely garden, I agree that Gardens do describe about the city. The cup and saucer is so attractive. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  8. I love that you search for beautiful gardens. I love them too. Wow, what beautiful shots.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  9. Beautiful photos… I think gardens and plants have been enjoyed over history

  10. Love this post. A bit of magic in every space. The polka dotted cups and tea pot are so whimsical. And how fun to discover royalty or an occasional fairy among the gardens you've visited.

    I can so relate to your longing to follow in Alice's footsteps. Me, too!! I just hope that if a door, a magic potion and a key present themselves to me, I will be curious and brave enough to act on them!!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous gardens. Happy Tuesday!

  12. Beautiful shots. I never pass a beautiful garden. These are some amazing shots of a beautiful garden.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Lydia. ♥
