Wednesday 30 August 2023

“The future starts today, not tomorrow.” ― Pope John Paul II

 As toxic and time wasting as Twitter can be, I have a lovely little corner in there. In my writing group we had to say something good that happened to us this month, and one person said that they had gone on a date that might turn into something special, and then exclaimed shock due to her age.

I pointed out that those feeling never really die in us (though it would be a tragedy if they did) . She referred sadly to her scars of life, to which I countered with 'Scars are evidence of healing'.

Her simple response made me smile "Clever, lovely you!"

She had shared something very exciting (to me) with trepidation, she had revealed something problematic (or painful) for her and I had, in my cliched way, given it a positive spin, or at least diluted it a bit. It made me feel so good, both her lovely and exciting news (who doesn't love love?) and the way the conversation had ended.

Sometimes it's the simplest exchanges that can brighten your day.

When I was at the Powerhouse Museum's fabulous exhibition Atmospheric Memory, you need to say your favourite quote into this AI monitor. I went blank - because of course, so said the first quote I could think of "If you go digging up the past, you're only going to get dirty". The response was thus:

I thought it was a good reminder, that while we are made up of every experience we have had until this point, the present is still blank as long as we work on our pain and heal and grow.

“The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind.”
― Kiran Desai, The Inheritance of Loss

(I'm not sure where I read the original idea of scars as healing but this quote sums it up - I don't know who this is so I'm guessing someone else said it and it sunk in to my washing machine of thoughts.

“Some people see scars, and it is wounding they remember. To me they are proof of the fact that there is healing.” ― Linda Hogan)

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  1. That's a perfect quote, If I didn't make the mistakes in my past I wouldn't be where I am today

  2. Firstly, thank you much for sharing our logo here on your post showing others where you hang out and party.
    Rephrased: “The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind.” to readL
    "The present time gives the past a little makeover! When you peek back, you'll discover the past wearing a funky new outfit you never expected."
    Thank you for sharing your links with us at #277 SSPS Linky. See you again next week.

  3. I love your quote, “The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind.”
    ― Kiran Desai, The Inheritance of Loss
    Having taught history I learned that hindsight is not helpful. It might be helpful to change the future, I suppose. It's hard to imagine life without what life is now!

  4. Hi Lydia - nice to see you sharing your wisdom and positivity with others who need you to give them a reminder of their worth and a bit of a boost - I think it might be a real gift that you have :)

    1. That's a kind why to put it. I'm a 'fixer/peace keeper' so it's my childhood baggage (we've discussed). I have to really work on keeping my mouth shut. I drive my husband nuts because he says "You don't have to save everyone" when I go on some rant about how we need to get the govt to change something or do something to help someone....HA! Everything can be a blessing and a curse.

    2. Ahhhh Lydia - we rescuers and fixers definitely recognize it in others don't we? My husband says exactly the same thing to me :)

  5. Hi Lydia, wow - such a deep and thoughtful post! I love what you said to that lady "scars are evidence of healing". So true, and so thoughtful to say! By the way - what is this trickery of a machine that responds to a quote you say to it?? How very clever!!

    1. It's an amazing exhibition. AI but sort of pretending to be based of the Difference engine.

  6. That AI response is spot on - how clever! I love that Linda Hogan quote - I think with so many situations in life, it's all about perspective.

  7. Hi Lydia such wisdom and a positive message. I agree with Min about your response 'scares are evidence of healing'. We as humans are so hard on ourselves but are usually quick to lift up others. Thanks for the quotes and inspiration #WWandPics

  8. I love the quote but the second part of its response is a bit confusing....

  9. How interesting this was. I would say my healing scars and what's left of me after my mouth reconstruction remind me of my strength and capacity to take on health challenges. It was great to see your blog post this week at Denyse’s Words and Pics for #WWandPics. Thank you for being part of the community. Warm wishes and appreciation from Denyse.

  10. That was a lovely thing to share as sometimes Twitter and social media can be quite toxic, I'm glad you've got a nice corner with friends :). A lovely quote, well done being put on the spot too. Clever AI :)
