Tuesday 17 October 2023

“If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” – Therese of Lisieux.

There's a lot not to be happy about in the world at the moment, so I'll keep it brief. 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disillusioned with the outcome of the referendum, and I have been looking for ways to help push for change on closing the gap, in particularly on health outcomes for Indigenous communities. Given so few electorates voted in a yes majority, I can't help but question if I somehow got it wrong? Or do I hold tight onto the title quote and know in my world, it was still the right thing to do. 

The pending summer seems to have snapped back to midwinter. It's almost impossible to choose the right clothes in the morning each day.

I am doing 7 Bridges walk to fund raise for cancer on Sunday. So no doubt that will be a million degrees or a downpour - or both.

I just saw the very excellent and hilariously clever Dimanche last night. If you can still get tickets, it's worth checking out. It's rather depressing portrayal of Climate Crises however, has left me thinking uncomfortably about this weird cold snap after the heat wave last week.

Roses bloom in the Spring on my dog walk and I gain much instant happiness from literally stopping and smelling these truly pungent blooms.

“Getting lost in the ‘big picture’ often prevents us from cherishing the 'small moments' that make it all worthwhile...”
― J.R. Wirth

Linking with #HappyTuesday, because this post is about focusing on happy things.#InspireMeMonday  #RubyTuesdayToo #NaturesNotes #FloralFridayFoto & #GardenAffair


  1. Thank you for being the sort of person who cares deeply. And I'm glad you're also able to focus on the present Joys that surround us all. I wish you well my friend. Aloha

  2. It's unbelievable these platforms...
    I really do not understand the causes of what is happening in our reality, so I prefere to enjoy the small moments and the nature. Like your flowers...
    Have a fine day. Hugs.❤

  3. Beautiful roses! Your candid thoughts are relatable, especially in these uncertain times.

  4. Dear Lydia,
    it is definitely important at the moment to concentrate on the small, beautiful moments, because the big picture is very depressing. (We shouldn't lose sight of it, but we should still live primarily in the now and look for what makes us happy... These are the small, quiet rooms that we set up inside ourselves so that we can retreat there.) I hope you you had pleasant weather on the 7 Bridges walk!
    All the best and a happy week!
    🍁🌻🍂 🌻🍁

  5. Stopping and smelling the roses is what I said to Heidrun also, Lydia. They are in bloom in our garden and provide much needed peace and serenity in these troubled times we live in. Indigenous health is a topic very dear to my heart and if you lay your hands on a book by Dr Howard Goldenberg - "Raft", do read it. He is lovely human being: Kind, wise, giving and gracious. Thanks for hosting.

  6. ...Therese of Lisieux is so right. Enjoy your spring!

  7. A very true sentence, dear Lydia, in the beginning. Variety is the real beauty of nature...but not only in nature...
    Have a good time

  8. Such a great post for these sad days. So very beautiful.

  9. Beautiful flowers and I love that quote. It's so true.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Hugs. ♥

  10. Oh Lydia...it is always the Indigenous communities that get short changed along with the poor. After everything that we (US) had done to them and promised them. ..Michelle

  11. I love Roses, I wish all the best u are working for noble cause. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.
