Monday 23 October 2023

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks" .John Muir

I did my first 7 Bridges walk back in 2015, and it even made the Torshlusspanik list as I was worried I'd struggle with the distance. Fast forward to now and I know I can do it with ease (and still walk the dog afterwards, albeit slowly). I even followed it up walking to the Magic show in the city the next day, with ease. 

The path has changed a little with all the endless road work around the city, but it's still a stunning way to spend the day with friends, walking and talking and taking in the sights.

For those out of Sydney, it's an annual charity walk for the Cancer Council. You cross 7 bridges in a 28 km loop around the harbour. This year they raised over $2 million with 11 thousand walkers. Because you can start at any of the 7 'villages', there's never too big a crowd.

So it kept me off the booze on Saturday night, and got me plenty of exercise and 5 hours with friends in the sunshine. So plenty of wins, not just for cancer research and support.

One thing I really like about it is it reminds me of beautiful parts of the city that I rarely visit. 

Sydney is such a varied landscape. Note to self to keep exploring it.

“Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.” 
― Steven Wright

If you wish to donate to the Cancer Council, click here.

Note the sunrise pics are from when I walked to my friend's house to get a lift to the start...I ended up doing 32km after the evening dog walk and extra bits....

Linking with #GardenAffair (Nature) #KeithsRamblings #BlueMonday for the harbour and sky #ThruMyLens #WeekendCoffeeShare  #WBOYC #TravelTuesday #MCoW RachelSwirl



  1. Gorgeous views from your Bridge walk. The walk is a fun way to raise funds for the Cancer Council. I have always loved that John Muir quote! Take care, have a great day!

  2. Loving the views on your walk. I will always support cancer research, my nana died of breast cancer in 2003.

  3. Great initiative to donate to cancer research, and to stay healthy. Beautiful pictures.

  4. I love the idea of walking 7 bridges around the Sydney Harbor. So cool!
    Lovely sights. You sure received far more than you sought. :)

  5. Walking seven bridges in a 28 km loop around the harbour, and raising money for charity at the same time, sounds like the ideal way to spend a day. Thank you for joining us at WBOYC and for sharing this with us.

  6. It looked like a beautiful day for a walk and some lovely areas to walk through (with the added bonus of doing it for a good cause). Glad you pulled up so well afterwards and had such a great day.
    BTW I'm not linking up at any parties anymore, so may miss some of your posts - I'm still around, just lower key :)

  7. What fantastic photos - well done on completing the walk!

  8. That's a great walk Lydia, well done! It's certainly a beautiful city and you've captured that with your photos.Thanks for joining us this month for WBOYC and I so agree with that first quote.

  9. Amazing views, and yay you for completing it. You have a way of capturing Sydney that shows it at its best.

  10. Sydney looks like such a beautiful city. I love the bridges. Congratulation on making the breast cancer walk, and thanks for doing it. :)

  11. Amazing views, well worth doing the work and fantastic that it's a charity walk too.

  12. I would love to do that walk, Lydia! I was in Sydney for the weekend but didn't really get to see much of my beloved hometown as time was taken catching up with family after 8 years. We have a few bridges now in Brisbane with more being built and my friend and I plan to design a run that will take us over them all. Wonderful photos as always x

  13. What a fantastic walk and amazing views, all for a great cause too. x

  14. I'm not sure whether we will ever get to Australia but one day I'd love to see Sydney - your photographs are stunning. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.

  15. Lovely capture of sunrise, what a mesmerizing walkway. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.
