Thursday 12 October 2023


I didn't frame the picture correctly but I still love the reflection of sunset on the building. It made a very ordinary building dazzling.

And shortly after taking this I discovered I'd taken my daughter and her friend to the wrong theatre and we had to jump in a cab and race across town. Luckily Sydney traffic worked in my favour, so they were there in good time and I made it back to meet my friends for a pre show drink....Ahhhh!


  1. Typical adventure of a preoccupied photographer trying hard for the best angle. Actually, your photo is balanced nicely and certainly calls attention to the main subject. Oops, wrong theatre!

  2. What a lovely mother-of-pearl iridescence in the sunlight and soft clouds reflected in the glass. Glad you were able to get the kids where they needed to be in time after snapping this capture to share with us.

  3. I'm always looking for reflections too, this is a great one. I'm glad you got to the right place on time. I remember once taking my daughter away to see a show in another city once and I booked a hotel next to the wrong theatre. I was thinking we would just have a short walk we in fact we had to get a taxi to the other side of town!

  4. oh no, I've made that mistake before with other things but not often, good you got there in the end.

  5. That's a brilliant capture love reflection photos :-)

    Have a reflectivetastic week 👍

  6. Good eye, that is a beautiful shot.

  7. Interesting shot! Glad you made it to the theater.

  8. I like it even if you didn't capture it just the way you wanted.
    Thank you for sharing at

  9. I pictured your rush as I read your words as many times, in a panic, I would realized I may make my children late for something they were excited about. Always love when there are any reflections in photography. Lovely.

  10. Yes, Lydia, the reflection makes the photo! I've done the thing with the theatre too, but it was the wrong date - fortunately, we made it to the performance the following day! Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

    1. I sent my husband and his friend on the wrong date - fortunately the Opera House found them some seats so they didn't miss completely (it was the day after their show!!)
